Removing Speaker of the House (SOTH) Kevin McCarthy: a BAD idea! General Comments from a Taxpayer!

1 year ago

Rep. Matt Gaetz (FL - Dist. 1) succeeded into steering the House of Representatives to "Remove" Mr. McCarthy as the Speaker of the House on the Floor Vote 216 to 210, a slim but Simple Majority needed by SIX (6) Votes. This was a REAL BAD idea, as the Team Blue will use this Optics of GOP infighting, dysfunction, and LACK of planning as a weapon for their right arm, the Main Stream Media( MSM), to discourage Independent Voters to Vote for TRUMP 2024. This ONLY helps the Incumbent and "Installed" Joe Biden. Team Blue cares not how Biden's Policies have ruined the country, they merely want to REMAIN IN POWER the American People be damned. The American "Sheeple" are one spark from their continuation of becoming. an "Ungovernable force" a la the George Floyd Riots May 25, 2020. Rome is burning and Joe Biden ( Barack Obama) are on Vacation after Vacation, feathering their Nests at the expense of the American taxpayers. TRUMP 2024. A flawed Candidate Trump certainly is, but he is BY FAR the Best we have in MY Lifetime. I am a Senior on the wrong side of his 60's.....

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