Problems with American Public Education-EP2: Teacher training and real story inside the classroom

11 months ago

Once parents drop their children off at the school gate, they often have no idea what is going inside the classroom. What kind of teachers are they facing? What training have the teachers received? What thoughts and ideas are they instilling in our children's minds every day? By the time we realise that our children have been made into activists and confused by gender identity and found out that our kids hate their own country, reject traditional values, or even struggle with their own gender identity, it may already be too late. Let's take action now, as the left and teacher unions have already done a lot to push their agenda, and we have been asleep for too long!

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《询经问道》为张洵Eric Zhang,及其搭档 雨林Elaine Yu 在YouTube和Rumble上的自媒体视频频道,专注于历史、信仰、文化、思想。本节目均以犹太·基督教信仰为价值基础,从英美保守主义理念的角度思考、分析、讲解,希望以此帮助全球华人深入了解美国政治、传统与价值。

- 保守美国的过去
- 引领华夏的未来
- 传播基督的福音



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