Freedom Enough 039_Involuntary Human Medical Experimentation - Fraudulently Marketed by Judge

1 year ago

The transgender racket is out of control

The Family Court is out of control

Did you know the Family Court judges will take your child away from you simply because you oppose involuntary human medical experimentation?

Did you know that Judges and Attorneys are teaching that children as young as 3 years old, and in some cases 18 months old, are capable of demanding to become transgender?

And if you are a parent or a doctor who opposes this being done to a child, YOU will be punished, while the experiment goes forward?

Did you know that?

Hello world, I'm Alexander C. Baker, JD, expert in the totalitarian communistic brutality that is still called law.

It's October 8, 2023, today on Freedom Enough # 39 - Involuntary Human Medical Experimentation as Fraudulently Marketed by Judge Joni Hiramoto and Attorney Asaf Orr.

For the last several years, we have been bombarded with transgender propaganda. It this really a grass roots movement by an oppressed minority? Hardly.

Transgenderism is is simply one of the more recent strategies toward global communism and enslavement of humanity.

We have obtained a video recroding of a CLE - Continuing Legal Education seminar put on by California Family Court Judge Joni Hiramoto, and a transgender activist attorney named Asaf Orr. At this seminar, they are speaking to Minor's counsel - the lawyers who get appointed to take over control of a child's decision making - and teaching these minor's counsel what to say and what to do in court to make sure that transgender medical procedures are always ordered.

Here now is an interview I did yesterday with California Dad, a man whose child transgender case was in front of Judge Hiramoto, and where Asaf Orr was the lawyer for UC San Francisco's transgender medical department.

We play major portions of this CLE tranining video - you will not not believe the lies and propaganda that this judge and this lawyer are spreading.

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