What was X-Files Trying To Tell Us ?

1 year ago

Dan Winter & Elena Danaan:
Dan is a scientist 👨‍🔬
1.) https://rumble.com/v3chr7p-the-twinkling-of-a-billion-stars-dan-winter-and-elena-danaan-aug-18-2023.html

2.) False Flag Alien 👽 Invasion


3.) Lahaina Special sensitive revelations that cannot go on YT, about the Disclosure plan and the Lahaina attack, will be disclosed here:

4.) Galactic Federation Notes :
Non- Interference based on previous Human to Reptilian Agreements https://www.facebook.com/kenneth.taylor.77377692/videos/2910400242430046/?mibextid=KPDiXm

5.) https://youtu.be/0GElWaNL1QU?si=ZonruOS5TyR2qDs5

6.) Atlantis Come to the heart gathering, an amazing experience meeting other members of your soul family. I will be a speaker at GSIC 2023, unveiling to you the secrets of Atlantis.

7.) Current Events Here are a few updates from your favorite Emissary!

8.) Essential Facts Essential historical elements you need to know, presented by Dan Willis https://thewebmatrix.net/disclosure/bigpharma.html?fbclid=IwAR2PjQyGLtjv2_AicwOygOrnlUgmHCs2Erv_7mPItnCRB4tsVdFtz_Md7yQ

9.) What Is Love ❤️ WHAT IS LOVE ? Science of men and science from the stars unveil the nature of love.

10.) EXOPOLITICS WITH DR. MICHAEL SALLA - Exopolitics Today Week in Review with Dr Michael Salla – Sept 9, 2023 https://exopolitics.org/exopolitics-today-week-in-review-with-dr-michael-salla-sept-9-2023-2/

11.) UFO 🛸 Crash 💥 Retrievals From UFO Crash Retrievals to Present Day Secret Space Programs - New Webinar Sept 30 https://exopolitics.org/from-ufo-crash-retrievals-to-present-day-secret-space-programs/

12.) Mars Colony and Military Clones - https://youtu.be/yQ1TWBZnPxU?feature=shared

13.) Spaceforce Structure Here's an unclassified version of Space Warfighting Architecture. I bet the classified version includes Solar Warden, Radiant Guardian, Lunar Operations Command, The Hub, etc. https://www.spoc.spaceforce.mil/About-Us/Fact-Sheets/Display/Article/3329960/space-warfighting-architecture

14.) Large Lightning Appears Before Earthquake in Morocco Here's an unclassified version of Space Warfighting Architecture. I bet the classified version includes Solar Warden, Radiant Guardian, Lunar Operations Command, The Hub, etc. https://www.spoc.spaceforce.mil/About-Us/Fact-Sheets/Display/Article/3329960/space-warfighting-architecture

15.) https://rumble.com/v3gbl44-update-with-elena-danaan-on-the-anunnaki-maui-assassination-attempts-and-uf.html

May be interesting to wait and see if NASA comes up soon with something, but you may soon hear about the Mars rovers experiencing ferocious winds. According to my contact Jen Han Eredyon, working in the terraforming operations on Mars, the planet is at the moment experiencing storms as the atmosphere is changing.


16.) Tera Forming https://www.elenadanaan.org/interstellar-contacts-homepage/jen-han-eredyon/jen-han-martian-correspondence

17. ) https://youtu.be/gikNxAxVH7I?si=IH9S1Ob1bFHXXc1A

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