Dime-Store Detective 1: True Detective meets Dukes of Hazzard

11 months ago

What happens when two Georgia moonshiners start getting in trouble with another gang. bringing a 9 year old in the mix? Well, sometimes he grows up to become a detective. And sometimes, things from that troubled past comes to haunt you. And maybe "haunting" is more important of a term here than you believe!

Dime-Store Detective is Jon Dexter's other comic series, and a very strong entry in the supernatural police thriller genre. We've got a solid main character and a mystery which keeps growing, with a throwback to his youth and his Dukes of Hazzard imitating father figures...

#comics #bandedessinée #manga #DimeStoreDetective #truedetective #indiecomics #independentcomics

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You can email me at silver.derstin(AT)gmail.com

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