10/7/2023 - Historically Crafting: Knit History Book Haul

1 year ago

StoryGraph challenge for Historathon: https://app.thestorygraph.com/reading_challenges/bde8e6ab-b866-4051-8173-b18ddb986c36

#booktube #booktuber #historathon #readathon #bookjournaling #knithistory #bookhaul

I'm not a cohost, but I can point you to the booktubers who are cohosts!
The hosts of #historathon2023

Vin @revenantreads
Peg @TheHistoryShelf
John @NicholasOfAutrecourt
Mark @BookTimewithElvis
Mariana @marianamasbooks
Fred @ReadbyFred
Gareth @bookssongsandothermagic
Erica @passageoftime8561

The four quarters of Historathon 2023:
Q1: January - March: prehistory to 500 A.D.
Q2: April - June: 500 to 1500
Q3: July - September: 1500 to 1820
Q3: October - December: 1820 to present
You can find me in the following places:

StoryGraph: https://app.thestorygraph.com/profile/tahlia_reads_and_knits

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/21407081.Tahlia_Fernandez

Instagram: tahlia.nerds.out

Chronically Rambling (Wordpress blog): https://chronicallyrambling.wordpress.com/

And my knitting podcast, "Pen, Hook, And Needles Podcast": https://www.youtube.com/user/FranciscanGypsy

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