Quitting Drinking Alcohol: seems very hard because of this

3 years ago

Quitting alcohol doesn't make you a "recovering alcoholic," and even if you are, quitting alcohol seems harder than what it actually is. I've done it, and I used to LOVE drinking. The problem is, it seems almost impossible to stop drinking within the society that we live in. So quitting alcohol can feel nearly impossible. But really, not everyone SHOULD drink, and that is normal. I let go of alcohol and my life MASSIVELY improved, but I didn't expect that. If you're considering not drinking because you feel like you "can't hang" when you drink, then that simply means you have a NORMALLY functioning body and your body is rejecting alcohol (as it should because it isn't exactly "good" for us).
Here's the thing, I really don't care if anyone likes drinking and has a healthy lifestyle with it. No one should care if you have a healthy lifestyle with it and you're happy. It's no one's place, especially mine, to tell anyone to quit drinking alcohol unless things are getting pretty bad. At that point though, we probably know internally that maybe we should quit drinking alcohol anyways.
If we're at that point, it can feel almost scary to quit drinking alcohol, and it kind of feels impossible. That's how it felt for me, until I actually DID IT and realized that it simply feels much harder than it actually is because society as a whole is attached to drinking alcohol. We think it makes us happier, we think it brings us joy and love and bonding. In a lot of cases, this can definitely be true, but alcohol isn't what's brining the bonding. There are so many reasons it feels like letting go and quitting drinking alcohol will make us "lose" something, but it really is the exact opposite. It's just hard to see when you're in the thick of it and have never been sober.

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