3 Reasons It SEEMED Hard to Quit Drinking Alcohol - If Considering Not Drinking Watch This

3 years ago

I quit drinking alcohol about 3 years ago. But before I quit drinking alcohol there were probably 3 reasons as to why I struggled to quit drinking, or didn't want to quit drinking. For a while I quitly struggled, and all along these 3 reasons made it SEEM like quitting was really hard.
I make these videos for people who might want to quit drinking alcohol because I think the internet lacks content from real people who have quit drinking alcohol and who can share their experience. That said, I don't think that there is anything wrong with anyone who can drink (in moderation) and has a healthy lifestyle with it. This is for people who are considering this lifestyle change to quit drinking alcohol.
Before I quit drinking alcohol, I spent literally years going back and forth on if I should quit drinking alcohol, but I never fully did it. I couldn't decide if I should quit drinking alcohol, but I also didn't want to give it up. It wasn't until after I quit drinking alcohol that I realized that when I quit drinking alcohol, these 3 reasons were holding me back, as well as MILLIONS of other people out there. I quit drinking alcohol and suddenly my entire world changed. But it took me getting past these 3 reasons to finally quit drinking alcohol and become who I was and am meant to be.
I have quit drinking alcohol and my whole life has improved. If you or anyone you know is considering the idea to quit drinking alcohol, I'd suggest watching this video for some real insight.

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