Exciting News!!! Only Eye Athletics Facebook Changes and New Group Format

11 months ago

Excited to announce we are revamping the Only Eye Athletics facebook presence.

We now have a official facebook business page along with a separate group format style page.

The idea for the business page is to keep it strictly related to the Only Eye Athletics Business side of things so it makes it easier for people to find our events, info, videos, podcasts and everything else relating specifically to Only Eye Athletics.

The open group format facebook page is for group discussion. This is where you can make events, ask questions, share tips, make group runs, among many other things. All that we ask is you to be civil and polite to one another. Being rude and mean will not be tolerated.

One of the main ideas for the creation of the open group page is so that different running and athletic disciplines can come together in one area to share information. We often find that you have to join multiple groups to get all the information you seek out becausae most groups are tied to one specific area. We hope to eliminate that some by bringing it all together in one place. The group is for running, walking, hiking, rucking, biking, triathlons, lifting, living a healthy lifestyle, ocr and similarly related athletic or fitness endeavors.

Another big aspect we are replacing two normalized posts that many groups post each week. Instead of asking where your running over the weekend on Fridays or posting medal Monday will be instituting a new spin on things. We at Only Eye Athletics will be using Achievement Fridays, which is asking everyone what you plan to achieve over the weekend. This can be anything from participating in a race, going on a hike, getting a good lift in, reading a good book or watching your child play a sport.

I feel that this allows more people to participate each week and makes people feel more part of the group as a whole. Not everyone has a race or competition each week so to limit that to just those individuals is not what we are all about. We want everyone to feel they can participate each week no matter what they are getting into that weekend or week if you work weekends. For the most part people achieve things as a whole that we are proud of outside of a actual competition. Again its about being healthy and a healthy lifestyle.

The posting of medal Mondays are fun when you can show off a medal you earned over the weekend but not everyone earns a medal each week and again not everyone participates in competitions each week, nor do a lot of people feel the need to earn medals. That is why instead of Medal Mondays we will have Accomplishment Mondays. This is where you can shoe off the amazing things you Accomplished over the weekend or previous week. Maybe you crushed a PR on one of your training routes, explored some new place, ate some new healthy meal you cooked, did more pushups then you thought you could. All those things are something to be proud of and call a accomplishment. So that why we want people to share what they Accomplished.

I hope you understand what we are trying to do with those changes. I believe it will make things more exciting and keep people engaged all year round since it opens things up more instead of limiting it to once specific type of activity.

Life is a journey and I hope you decide to include Only Eye Athletics in your journey. We will be evolving right along with you.

A good mind, body and soul will allow you to live life to the fullest. As always remember our saying "Only I Can Defeat Me"- Dean Banko

Business page

Group Page

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