Legend of Heroes: Trails into Reverie - All Group Victories Quotes [Show Case]

1 year ago

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Games: Legend of Heroes: Trails into Reverie
Platform: PlayStation 4 / PlayStation 5 / Nintendo Switch / PC (Steam)
Genres: JRPG / Turn based
Languages: English
Dubbing: Japanese & English

Compilation with all group victory quotes from the game, all with the original Japanese voices.

Physical version import link:
- Ps4 (US): https://www.play-asia.com/the-legend-of-heroes-trails-into-reverie-deluxe-edition/13/70eo2f?tagid=1005120
- PS4 (EU): https://www.play-asia.com/the-legend-of-heroes-trails-into-reverie-deluxe-edition/13/70et2n?tagid=1005120
- Ps5 (US): https://www.play-asia.com/the-legend-of-heroes-trails-into-reverie-deluxe-edition/13/70fxkb?tagid=1005120
- PS5 (EU): https://www.play-asia.com/the-legend-of-heroes-trails-into-reverie-deluxe-edition/13/70fxkd?tagid=1005120
- NSW (US): https://www.play-asia.com/the-legend-of-heroes-trails-into-reverie-deluxe-edition/13/70eo2h?tagid=1005120
- NSW (EU): https://www.play-asia.com/the-legend-of-heroes-trails-into-reverie-deluxe-edition/13/70et2p?tagid=1005120

Links to purchase gift cards from different regions:
* PSN: https://www.play-asia.com/digital/playstation_network/14/711z3?tagid=1005120
* Eshop: https://www.play-asia.com/digital/nintendo_eshop/14/711z7?tagid=1005120
* Live: https://www.play-asia.com/digital/xbox_live/14/711z5?tagid=1005120

Video Points:
01) Team Swordmanship (Rean, Laura, Kurt, Arios & Duvalie): 00:00
02) Team Big Bro Heavens (Joshua, Lloyd, Kurt, Jusis & Swin): 00:39
03) Team Monsters (Victor, Aurelia, Arios, Agate & Mcburn): 01:08
04) Team Upperclassman (Crow, Ange, Towa & George): 01:52
05) Team Lil' Bro Havers (Oliviert, Rufus & Gaius): 02:29
06) Team Technobabble (Alisa, Tio, Tita & Lapis): 03:08
07) Team Androgyny (Wazy, Joshua, Swin & Kurt): 03:45
08) Team Survivors (Toval, Georte, Oliviert & Victor): 04:26
09) Team Homuncuties (KeA, Lapis, Millium & Altina): 05:09
10) Team Cute 'n' Clever (Muse, Renne, Towa & Nadia): 05:49
11) Team Tomboy (Estelle, Laura, Juna & Noel): 06:22
12) Team Slack Attack (Celine, Tio, Altina, Nadia, Fie & Mcburn): 06:49
13) Team Lil' Sis Havers (Vita, Noel, Millium & Juna): 07:21
14) Team Pigtails (Estelle, Nadia, KeA, Tio, Celine & Alfin): 07:53
15) Team Jaeger Bombers (Fie, Sara & Randy): 08:30
16) Team Boozehounds (Aurelia, Sara, Scherazard & Sharon): 08:51
17) Team Hot Curves (Alisa, Emma, Elie & Rixia): 09:26
18) Team Ironbloods (Rufus, Clarie, Millium & Lechter): 10:04
19) Team Virtousos (Oliviert, Elliot, Vita, Rixia, Clarie & Scherazard): 10:31
20) Team Big Sticks (Estelle, Randy, Gaius & Ash): 11:18
21) Team Teatimers (Sharon, Lapis, Elise, Renne, Jusis & Duvalie): 11:56
22) Team St. Astria (Elie, Muse, Elise & Alfin): 12:34
23) Team Bad Boys (Wazy, Lechter, Crow, Agate & Ash): 13:23
24) Team Protagonists (Toval, Swin, Nadia & Roselia): 13:52
25) Team Speacs (Machias, Emma & Mcburn): 14:35
26) Team Kittens (Ange, KeA, Renne, Tita, Lapis & Roselia): 15:13
27) Team Big Sis Havers (Elliot, Lloyd, Joshua & Machias): 16:05
28) Team Trails-Blazers (Rean, Lloyd & Rufus): 16:31
29) Team Magical ☆ Girls (Rean, Alisa, Juna, Altina & Muse): 16:55

* Shin Reviews: https://shin-reviews.com/
@NISAmerica @FalcomMusicChannel @NihonFalcomSince1981

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