2022年3月15日 郭文贵先生:引爆中东是中共攻台必要的前奏

1 year ago

March 15, 2022, Mr. Guo Wengui spoke on a live broadcast:
Detonating the Middle East is a necessary prelude to the CCP's attack on Taiwan.
Why would the Chinese Communist Party want to light another "cannonball" in the Middle East? The Communist Party is betting that the United States will not be able to fight three wars at the same time.
If the United States participates in the Russia-Ukraine war, who will the United States fight with if it fights again in the Middle East? The US is fighting with the Communists. The strategy of the United States is to win two wars at the same time.
Now it's a gamble that the U.S. can't win three wars at the same time. He is lighting a fire in the Middle East to cover up his going to Taiwan.

2022年3月15日 郭文贵先生:引爆中东是中共攻台必要的前奏


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