LWC Project #1 : Part 3 - Edit & Delete | Modal/editForm/refresh/Message | Contact Management System

1 year ago

Edit & Delete | Modal Popup/record edit form/refreshApex/ShowToastEvent |Contact Management System

0:00:00 - Session Intro | Agenda
0:00:59 - Including Actions in the Columns for data table
0:02:15 - getRowActions/doneCallback implementations to take in the actions and inform data table
0:13:32 - onRowAction in data table
0:18:35 - onRowAction call method implementation in JS
0:22:47 - Putting conditional statements in html
0:25:45 - Setting up Lightning Record Edit form in HTML
0:36:02 - Modalup Set up in HTML
0:49:26 - delete method implementation
0:59:47 - Toast Message Event
01:22:05 - refreshApex

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