1 year ago

Published on Feb 17, 2017
by Victurus Libertas VL
"URGENT REPORT Folks, I am getting some disturbing news out of California. It seems the whole state is cursed, and I am not just talking about Maxine Waters or Nancy Pelosi.California went through a horrible drought the last 4 years. Now it’s getting flooded and we are wondering what effect Fukushima is having on people.Seriously folks, I am hearing they are getting radioactive rain! Hear me out people

We did a video a week and a half ago about extreme radiation coming from reactor 2, radiation that could cause death in minutes….and we now know Fukushima was never contained. It’s a china syndrome folks, and people on the west coast are rightfully pissed that they were told by the EPA and by so called “experts” that everything was safe.

Now we have been reading from MS Milky, and Dr. Helen Caldecott that there has been a HUGE cover up. Let me explain why the Pacific is going to be a boneyard, and why people on the west coast must avoid the rain at all costs!

http://victuruslibertas.com/2017/02/c... "

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