Babylon is fallen: horrendous cases of child abuse in the Babylonian Roman Catholic church

1 year ago

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Credits to Creative Society. Disclaimer: I do not endorse all of the videos of Creative Society.

Produced by Creative Society, this video gives a gut-wrenching overview of horrendous cases of child abuse committed by perverted pedophile prelates in the Babylonian Roman Catholic church.

Just imagine ALL of the horrendous child abuses committed by these satanic monsters at the Vatican beast’s Babylonian Roman Catholic church for nearly 2000 years!

As Christ says in Matthew 18:6 about children: But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.

To all Babylonian Roman Catholic abusers of children, TAKE HEED to Christ’s warning in Matthew 18:6. Repent of your sins of hurting little children, COME OUT of Babylon and turn to the Christ of the Bible.

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