Separation of Church & State is not a One-Way Street

1 year ago

Folks, I am tired of the Freedom From Religion crowd
LYING to America about our religious freedom.

Today I am going to SHRED their arguments
and show how you can use
Separation of C&S
to argue FOR Religious speech.

A couple weeks ago,
Auburn’s head football coach, Hugh Freeze,
helped baptize about 200 students
on the spur of the moment.
It was completely voluntary.

But immediately, the Freedom from Religion Foundation,
from way up in Madison, Wisconsin, cried foul.

Let me quickly unpack this for you
and then I want to PLAY and SHRED 3 clips
for you from atheist podcaster,
Kyle Kulinski.

Coach Freeze should be applauded and supported
for his authenticity.
He loves Jesus. He loves the students, and it shows.
Jesus said we should shine our light.
That’s all Coach Freeze was doing.

In a day when most Christians hide their light,
folks, this guy’s an inspiration.
My dad, Bill Bright, once said,
“The average Christian risks offending God,
for fear of offending man.”
Not coach Freeze.

There are a lot of folks in addition to Kyle and FFRF
that are trying to keep you from shining your light….
We should all seek to be more like Coach Freeze
and start shining our light where God has planted us.

Not only is the future of our country at stake,
but the eternal souls of our neighbors are at stake.
Do you love your neighbors enough
to take the risk to shine the light of Jesus in the darkness?

Coach Freeze, you’re now one of my heroes.
So, this is for you from a CU fan.
War Eagle!
Go God!

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