Guests Form Heart Shape For The Most Memorable Drone Wedding Footage

7 years ago

Chris Bryan and Ashleigh Blinkhorn both grew up in the lovely town of Keene in New Hampshire. The two lovebirds got married there on August 26th, on Ashleigh's parents farm near Peterborough. It was a beautiful day for a wedding on the Blinkhorn Farm.

Every wedding day is beautiful and special, but this one was made a bit more special because of what the guests did for the bride and groom. Aerial imaging photographer Mack Evenden captured the moment all 150 guests, along with the newlyweds, formed a huge heart shape on the lawn where the wedding took place using his drone.

"The idea came sooner, but we didn't actually work on making the heart until two days before the wedding when my friend, and Chris's cousin, Mike Raymer actually calculated out the perimeter of the heart needed with roughly 150 guests with each person taking up roughly 3 feet of space sideways."

After spray painting the shape, they cut the grass to make it easier for the people to find their way on the lawn. The video and the photographs took less than 20 minutes to make! One thing is for certain: This is one summer wedding these guests will never forget.

Here’s another footage of a wedding that is unique in its own right. Tucker the Golden Retriever got fitted with a GoPro camera and was let loose during his owners’ wedding to record the entire event from his perspective. Brilliant!

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