WHO are the 200 MILLION HORSEMEN in Revelation 9, humans or spiritual beings? #200 #horsemen #demons

11 months ago

Rev 9:16 And the number of the army of the horsemen were two hundred thousand thousand: and I heard the number of them.

AND THE NUMBER OF THE ARMY OF THE HORSEMEN – The Greek word for “army” is used only in the NT (Matt. 22:7; Acts 23:10; Acts 23:27; Rev. 9:16; Rev. 19:14; Rev. 19:19), denoting “men of war” (Luke 23:11). Greek word for “horsemen” is only used here therefore these are “horsemen of war”.

TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND THOUSAND – 2 Myriad Myriad means 2 x 10,000 x 10,000 = 200,000,000 horsemen (Myriad Sept. Gen. 24:60; 1 Sam. 21:11).

I HEARD THE NUMBER OF THEM – John didn’t count them, he heard the actual number of them.

Rev 9:17 And thus I saw the horses in the vision, and them that sat on them, having breastplates of fire, and of jacinth, and brimstone: and the heads of the horses were as the heads of lions; and out of their mouths issued fire and smoke and brimstone.

AND THUS I SAW THE HORSES IN THE VISION – This same word “vision” is used earlier when John is able to have a rare look at the One who is sitting on the Throne (Rev. 4:3). Therefore, John again is getting a rare look into what these horses are. This would mean that mankind would not be able to see them but they will see their effects: fire, smoke and brimstone (similar to 2 Kings 6:14-18). Either they are spiritual or they could be so small that John’s vision helped him zoom in to gets a closer look at the horses and their riders (Rev. 9:16).

THEM THAT SAT ON THEM – John describes the riders who sat on the horses.

HAVING BREASTPLATES OF FIRE, AND OF JACINTH, AND BRIMSTONE – Those who sat on the horses had breastplates. A breastplate is a covering for the chest (Sept. 1 Sam. 17:5; Neh. 4:16). Unlike earlier where the demonic locusts had breastplates of iron (Rev. 9:9), these riders had breastplates of fire, deep blue (“Jacinth”, Sept. Ezek. 23:6; Exo. 28:31) and Sulphur yellow in colour (“brimstone”).

Side Note: Fire (fiery red) is used for cleansing (Num. 31:23). Jacinth (deep blue) is used in judgement (Exo. 28:29-31) and cloth of protection (Num. 4:12). Brimstone (Sulphur yellow) is used for judging the wicked (Luke 17:29).

HEADS OF THE HORSES WERE AS THE HEADS OF LIONS – Heads of the horses were similar to (“as”) the heads of lions.

OUT OF THEIR MOUTHS ISSUED FIRE AND SMOKE AND BRIMSTONE – Out of the horses’ mouths went out fire, smoke and brimstone. Similar to the destruction that came on Sodom and Gomorrah through fire and brimstone (Luke 17:29; Sept. Gen. 19:24, 28).

Rev 9:18 By these three was the third part of men killed, by the fire, and by the smoke, and by the brimstone, which issued out of their mouths.

BY THESE THREE WAS THE THIRD PART OF MEN KILLED – “Under” (by) these 3, that is, by fire, smoke and brimstone (Rev. 9:17), a 1/3 of mankind were killed.

Rev 9:19 For their power is in their mouth, and in their tails: for their tails were like unto serpents, and had heads, and with them they do hurt.

THEIR POWER IS IN THEIR MOUTH, AND IN THEIR TAILS: FOR TAILS WERE LIKE UNTO SERPENTS AND HAD HEADS, AND WITH THEM THEY DO HURT - For the horses’ authority is in their mouth for out of their mouth comes fire, smoke and brimstone (Rev. 9:18). With these 1/3 of mankind is killed (Rev. 9:17-18). Unlike the scorpions’ tail which is used to sting (Rev. 9:10), the serpent’s tail is used to hold their prey so that their head can do damage. Therefore. many will be hurt but only 1/3 will be killed.

Side Note: The riders will lead the horses and the riders are led by the 4 Angels (Rev. 9:14).

For more insight refer to https://heavenscatalyst.org/truth/revelation-commentary/

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