Sunday Worship Service - October 8, 2023

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10/8/2023 Sunday Worship Service
Rev. Dr. Kenneth Moore
Pastor of Morgan's Chapel United Methodist Church

Link to This Weeks Bulletin:!AnQ_mYuQvb4LgbVTnQga0F2DtINzYA?e=PhvJoL

Link to This Weeks Prayer List:!AnQ_mYuQvb4LgbVSoEbC-HAoHR9GUQ?e=8Xa0ya

Link to Church Directory:

CCLI 20218880
CCLI 11138946

Music for Gathering Judy Hust
Announcements Lee Kibler
Pledge of Allegiance Christian & American Flags
Prelude Judy Hust

Call to Worship Dr. Ken Moore
Hymnal #530 "Are Ye Able"

Affirmation of Faith Apostles' Creed, Page 881
Gloria Patri Page 70

Hymnal #474 "Precious Lord, Take My Hand"

Pastoral Prayer & Lord's Prayer Dr. Ken Moore

Hymnal #472 "Near to the Heart of God"

Scripture Romans 6:1-4
Lay Reader: James Martin

Choir (CWG Hymnal #93) "I Know Who Holds Tomorrow"

Sermon Dr. Ken Moore
"Who is your brother?" Mathew 5:21-24

Hymn of Commitment (Hymnal #509) "Jesus, Savior, Pilot Me"

Dismissal with Blessing Dr. Ken Moore
Postlude Judy Hust

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