A Chinese song about the dire situation of the young Chinese people was taken down by the CCP

1 year ago

10/5/2023 According to Taiwanese media’s report, the song "I Keep Kneeling in the Temple of Wealth" by online singer Li Ermeng was taken down by the CCP. This song vividly depicts the dire situation faced by young Chinese people under the rule of the CCP, with high unemployment rates and soaring prices forcing them to lie down, stop consuming, delay marriage, and refrain from having children. As long as the CCP remains, there is no future for young people in China!
#CCP #EconomyCollapse #Unemployment #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP
10/5/2023 据台湾媒体报道,网络歌手李二萌演唱的这首《我在财神殿里长跪不起》被中共下架了,这首歌用通俗易懂的言语描绘出中共治下的中国年轻人面临失业率和物价奇高而被迫躺平、不消费、不结婚且不生育的悲惨现状。中共不灭,中国年轻人没有明天!
#中共 #经济崩溃 #躺平 #失业 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共

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