Childhood Vaccines ARE Destroying Our Children. Look at the graphs 📊!

1 year ago

Childhood Vaccines are Destroying Our Children

Think who is connected to this scheme, then the results.
Dept of Education, School Boards, Teachers unions, taxpayer funding of all of these.
Political Lobbying
Mandates on children getting vaccines, so they can enter public schools.

Child vaccines, from birth to adulthood, has been a racket. How many children that have had the massive amounts of vaccines, are not on ANY PRESCRIPTION DRUGS? ZERO! How many children born prior to this racket, that were not vaccinated (the greatest generation, baby boomers), had issues as stated, or had many prescriptions? These issues did not happen, nor did they have prescriptions for all these ailments. Vaccines created everything we see today, including depopulation. President Trump when elected, will reverse this mandate on children, a step for a healthier nation. Ending the Department of Education, and the nonsense that goes with that bureaucracy, will help our youth,, and save taxpayers trillions (federal to local taxes paid).

Dr. Thomas hired an outside expert to study the difference between his Vaccinated/Unvaxxed patients and what they found was devastating!

All of these categories were alarmingly higher in Vaccinated Children:

• Asthma
• Allergic Rhinitis
• Eczema
• Sinusitis
• Gastroenteritis
• Respiratory Infections
• Otitis Media
• Conjunctivitis (I thought Vaccines Prevented Infections?)
• Other infections
• Breathing Issues
• Behavioral Issues
• ADHD - Explosion of ADHD in Children Vs ZERO cases in Unvaccinated children in his 10 year practice.


They took away Dr. Thomas’s License.


1.) 🔗Mawson Study:
Vaccinated Children Suffer:
• 2x more Chronic Illnesses
• 3x more eczema
• 4x more Neurodevelopmental autism, ADHD, learning disabilities
• 30x more Allergies

2.) 🔗Hooker & Miller:
Vaccinated Children Suffer:
• 2x more developmental delays
• 4.5x more Asthma
• 2x more Ear Infections

3.) 🔗Hooker & Miller
Vaccinated Children Suffer:
• 4x more Allergies
• 5x more Asthma
• 13.5x more Gastroenteritis Disorders
• 17.5x more Autism
• 20.5x more ADD/ADHD
• 27.5x more Ear Infections

4.) 🔗The Control Group
Vaccinated/Unvaccinated Children:
• Chronic conditions 27% to 5%
• Multiple Chronic conditions 6.5% to 0.5%
• Arthritis 16% to 0%
• Heart Disease 48% to 0%
• Diabetes 10% to 0%
• Digestive Disorders 18% to .040%
• Eczema 10.5% to 1.40%
• Asthma 7.5% to 0.7%
• Allergies 6% to 1%
• Developmental disabilities 7% to 1%
• Epilepsy 1% to 0%
• Autism 2.5% 0%
• ADD/ADHD 9.5% to .04%
• Learning Disabilities 8% to 0.7%
• Chronic Sinitis 15.5% to 0%
• SIDS .05% to 0% (97% of SIDS cases happen in the first 10 days after vaccinated)
• Cancer 6% to 0%

This is mind blowing and irrefutable evidence the Pharmaceutical Industry is making our children sick and creating lifelong customers!

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