The Lord Says - Though the Foundations May Shake My Chosen One Will Stand Secure - Prophetic Word

1 year ago

Hi everyone. There has been a lot of talk about a "shaking" recently. The Lord did speak to me about this on April 25th, 2023. This is from a longer series of messages the Lord gave me between Easter and Pentecost of 2023. If you would like to hear the other messages, please subscribe and view my other videos on the channel. Please also like and comment below as that will help promote the video on this platform. I pray this message will be an encouragement to you. This one is a bit long.

Transcription Follows:

April 25th, 2023

The one who makes Me his trust
Will not be shaken
Though the foundations may shake
Still my chosen one will stand secure
Do not fear
But believe on Me

I am the Good Shepherd
Will I not feed my sheep?
Will I not protect my sheep from the wolves?
Have I not left the 99 to seek the one?

He who makes me his trust
Will never be disappointed
Therefore, do not fear for I am with you
My rod and my staff they comfort you

To the Nations say:

Soon I will shake you
Soon I will drag the net to bring in a great catch
There is judgement appointed for you, O Nations
For all those who have rejected me
I counsel you O kings and princes
You who lead nations
Turn to me
Seek me while I may still be found
For I am the only hope of your nation your people
Release unto me my possession, O nations

O princes, do you suppose that your hand is mightier than mine?
But I will show you power
I will bring you to your knees
As Pharaoh was humbled before me
You o princes shall be humbled
If you will not release my possession

There is coming
A great collapse
Upon all those nations who would oppose me

To the Captives I Say:

Have no fear
I will fight for you
You will know
I am a deliverer
Of all who love Me
Who trust in My name
I am the faithful Father
And I will preserve my children

I have seen
I have heard
I will come down
I will execute justice on all these nations
For I am the only righteous judge

Hear me, O princes
O kings of the nations
To all who would set their thrones against me
You are appointed to destruction
No throne will stand against Me

Even you, o haughty one
You would raise your voice against me
Against my anointed
Even you who deceives the nations
You will be brought low
Your horn will be utterly smashed
Your authority will be taken from you
You will see my mighty power
You will know my name is the Lord

(I see a throne
And on the throne I see a tiny king
He is arrayed in all his pomp and his crown
But he is so tiny
The throne is too big for him
And I see a mighty hand sweeping him off the throne
Like you would sweep dust off a chair before you sit down)

He is no king
Though he pretends
There is no king but Me alone
O you nations, turn and look
Your king is coming from on high
With his mighty host
Make room for Him
Or He will sweep you away

To My Chosen Servants Say:

Prepare the way
Prepare my people for my coming
Do not cease to speak these things which I have given you
Do not fear the Enemy though he rages against you
Do not fear nor doubt
Though they cover their ears
Though they cover their eyes
But speak
O my servants
O servants of the Lord
Go out to the highways and tell
Go into the marketplaces and tell
Go into the temple and tell
Tell it on the heights
Tell it in the depths
Tell of my great salvation
Make ready a people for my name
The sower and the reaper will rejoice together on the day of harvest
I have declared a harvest for this world
I am raising my harvesters
Go into the fields
Make ready your sickle
I will drag my sickle across the whole earth
And draw many sons and daughters to myself
My winnowing fork is in my hand
To separate the wheat from the chaff
I will bind up my wheat to take with me
But the chaff shall be utterly burned

There is no mystery which will remain hidden
My glory will be revealed
Even on those far nations
Whose princes would lock their doors against me
But I will come as a mighty wind who will blow through all nations
Your doors
Your gates
Keep me from my possession
If you were wise O princes
You would welcome me
Open up your gates
Open up your doors
Make ready the way of the Lord

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