China – this system of government – a threat to all of us

1 year ago

Just a few decades ago, China was a completely impoverished and technologically backward agricultural state. Within just 30 years, it is now on the verge of becoming a leading global power economically, technologically and militarily. In order to be able to correctly classify this meteoric rise of the People’s Republic of China, it is important to take a closer look at its origins and development. What is not mentioned in the official history books or in the mainstream media about the history of the People’s Republic of China is that, according to well-known investigative journalists, it is inextricably linked to three names: Rothschild, Rockefeller and the Skull & Bones. Follow us now on an adventurous journey through the history of China, during which it becomes clear that China was deliberately built up as an instrument of the New World Order and represents a foreshadow of the planned world domination system.

I.) View of the puppet masters in the background:

Skull & Bones is a very powerful occult U.S. secret organization founded at the instigation of Lord Rothschild and financed by Rockefeller and other Wall Street bankers. According to Alexandra Robbins, a U.S. journalist, Skull & Bones managed to infiltrate almost all major U.S. scientific, political, financial, media and government institutions.
Skull & Bones also forms the inner circle of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), which was also initiated by Rothschild and financed by Rockefeller. The CFR is the most influential U.S. think tank of the past century, having provided, for example, nine presidents of the United States alone – including the current U.S. President Joe Biden. Robbins came to the following conclusion in her research: The goal of Skull & Bones, and thus also of the Rockefellers and Rothschilds, is to build a new world order in which the freedoms of the individual are curtailed and all power is concentrated in the hands of a small elite.

II.) The Emergence of the People’s Republic of China under Mao Tse-tung

With the aim of establishing a new world order, Skull & Bones founded a series of schools and hospitals in China at the beginning of the 20th century, which became what is now the Yale-China Association and is known as “Yale-in-China.” They were financed by Rothschild and later by the Rockefeller Foundation. However, this supposedly charitable work had completely different goals in the background. Jonathan Spence, a professor of Chinese history, was the first to discover the close ties between Mao and Yale. Finally, in 1972, the Yale Daily News reported the following on the matter: “Yale helped many young men in their political rise to power. In the class of 1919, Yale-in China, in addition to the 1,000 male leaders... helped a young man named Mao Tse-tung” and “Without Yale’s support, Mao Tse-tung would never have risen from anonymity to power!”
Investigative journalist Alexander Schnarf therefore concluded in his research that Yale-in-China was apparently secretly working towards the emergence of the communist state.

An indicative of their influence and subtle approach is, among other things, the intervention of Skull & Bones in the Chinese Civil War (1927 to 1949), in which the nationalist Kuomintang and the Chinese Communist Party under Mao Tse-tung fought for the political leadership of China. The conflict ended with the Communists defeating the Kuomintang. According to scholar and historian Prof. Dr. Antony C. Sutton, this victory was largely won because U.S. general and Freemason George C. Marshall quietly and secretly disarmed the Nationalist forces that initially supported them by stopping deliveries of ammunition to them in 1946. Marshall’s superior was Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson – a member of Skull & Bones!

Mao Tse-tung’s subsequent nearly 30-year reign over China then developed into an unparalleled reign of terror. With political campaigns like the “Great Leap Forward” and the “Cultural Revolution,” Mao used force to transform China’s economy and society.
The “Cultural Revolution” aimed at destroying the old customs, ways of thinking, habits, even the Chinese culture, and was directed primarily against China’s older and more educated classes, costing the lives of 2 to 5 million people. The “Great Leap Forward” was intended to close the gap with the Western industrialized countries and shorten the transition period to communism. Despite the resulting famine, Mao pursued his goals with an iron fist. According to Alexander Schnarf, the methods of repression used were unprecedented in their brutality. Critics were relentlessly persecuted and thousands were systematically tortured and murdered.
Even children were killed, crushed and used as fertilizer.
Dutch historian Frank Dikötter estimates that at least 45 million people died during the Great Chinese Famine (1959 to 1961) alone. According to scholars’ estimates, Mao’s totalitarian and inhumane policies cost the lives of up to 80 million people.

Mao’s policy was simple: anyone who did not follow the rules was murdered. This led to a society in which every critic was literally muzzled. What was left was just a frightened and obedient mass.

David Rockefeller’s completely different perspective is shocking. He called this total control and suppression of the people a “social experiment”! Rockefeller literally: “The social experiment in China under the leadership of Chairman Mao is one of the most important and successful in the history of mankind.” If one knows the goals that the Rockefeller Foundation pursued in China, this statement takes on enormous influence. According to investigative journalists Alexander Schnarf and Tilman Knechtel, the foundation viewed China as a giant laboratory for researching how best to control and manage a society so that it could then replicate it worldwide! The fact that Rockefeller praised Mao’s crimes suggests that Mao had obviously lived up to his expectations and had completed this “social experiment” to Rockefeller’s broad satisfaction.

As we will see in the next point, however, this was only the first move of Rockefeller, Rothschild and Co.

III.) The rise of China as a World Power

After Mao, Deng Xiaoping effectively ruled China’s fate until 1997.
He went down in history as the great reformer who initiated China’s opening and its rise to become an economic and world power. But this did not just happen and was not an economic miracle. The starting signal for this development was the meeting of U.S. President Nixon with Mao Tse-tung orchestrated by Henry Kissinger in 1972.
Under the pretext that China had to be built up as a counterweight to the USSR, money and Western technology began to flow to China, heralding its rise. Now one must know that Nixon and Kissinger were or are members of the CFR and that Kissinger is also closely connected with the Rothschilds and Rockefellers []. Accordingly, they used all their influence to promote China’s rise and at the same time, to consolidate their supremacy in China. Rothschild took control of the Central Bank of China in 1982 and thus its monetary policy. Rockefeller’s Chase Manhattan Bank became the official representative of the Bank of China in the U.S. and opened the floodgates for the inflow of money into China. This money flowed largely into financing research and development facilities, causing Western know-how to migrate to China. The corporations that became involved in China in this way, are also, for the most part, closely linked to the CFR. These are the so-called “Fortune 500 companies”, such as Ford, General Motors, IBM and Microsoft.
Of these, 157 settled in China, 53 even set up their headquarters. The renowned scientist Prof. Dr. Antony C. Sutton of the Hoover Institute at Stanford University wrote the following about this development, already in 1986: “Around the year 2000, Communist China will be a superpower built with American technology and expertise!” – Built by Rothschild, Rockefeller and Skull & Bones!

IV.) China – a reliable tool of the globalists

Since both Rothschild and Rockefeller are deeply involved in Freemasonry, it is not surprising that this has also left its mark in China. Through revelations such as those of the Italian High Degree Mason Gioele Magaldi, it is known that Deng Xiaoping was initiated into Freemasonry and became a member of the original lodge “THREE EYES”. This lodge was founded by David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger and the US security advisor and ice-cold, calculating mastermind Zbigniew Brzeziński [], and was for a long time the most powerful and worldwide leading original lodge. Deng Xiaoping in turn introduced other top officials of the Chinese Communist Party into Freemasonry. As a result, according to Gioele Magaldi, all party leaders since 1980 – including the current President of China Xi Jinping – have been members of the original lodges in which the High Degree Masons are organized. They, too, are pursuing the establishment of a “one-world government”, by which Rothschild and Rockefeller ensured that China remained a reliable tool of their globalist plans.

V.) China – a spearhead of globalization

However, China is not just any tool, but has increasingly developed into the spearhead of the Rothschilds, Rockefellers and Skull & Bones, who are obviously striving for a new world order of total control and surveillance. Here are a few examples:

- With its tough lock-down policy during the Corona crisis, China was very much involved in bringing the world economy to a collapse in order to generate gigantic profits for a few super-rich.
- Along with Russia, China is the major supporter to establish a new global financial and monetary system under IMF control.
- China is the world leader in both the abolition of cash and the introduction of the CBDC digital central bank currency. It is at the forefront of this global project, which is coordinated and financed by the Bank for International Settlements (BIS).
- With its social credit system, China is the pioneer and model for the Great Reset envisioned by Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum (WEF). This system is a mass surveillance system using artificial intelligence, perfecting the system of coercion established by Mao. The behavior and trustworthiness of each individual, but also of companies and organizations, is constantly monitored and evaluated. By rewarding good behavior in the interests of the rulers and punishing any wrongdoing, it forces each individual to function 100% in the interests of the rulers. In the meantime, Europe’s first social credit system has already been introduced in Bologna (Italy), and the EU Commission is also preparing to introduce this control and education system.

So everything indicates that Rockefeller, Rothschild and Co. after their successful “social experiment” in China, now want to spread this to the whole world in order to lay the foundation for a world dictatorship. At the World Economic Forum’s Summer Davos 2023, China’s Premier Li Qiang also implied that this would happen. He stressed that “security” must be ranked as the most important issue in the hierarchy of priorities! Shortly before, Klaus Schwab, the father of the Great Reset, made the following insightful statement while praising the “achievements” of the Chinese Communist Party before Li Qiang:
“We are eager to learn from your vision about China and the world.”

Is it a coincidence that people are seduced by fear that is systematically fueled by politics and the media into accepting ever deeper interventions by the state?
Isn’t it the fear of Corona, terrorism, the threat of environmental and climate catastrophe, etc., which is gradually causing the achievements of our free, democratic society to be abandoned and exchanged for an apparent security? Is the planned CO2-social credit system of the EU now to be imposed on us in this way?
The plans of this small elite, which insidiously directs the fate of the world and now wants to establish its social credit system worldwide, must be stopped! Help and spread this broadcast. If you also want to contribute as a volunteer for Kla.TV to expose such injustice, please get in touch at:

from hag
Chinas rise

People’s republic of China

Skull & Bones

Book: Skull & Bones: Americas secret Power-Elite by Andreas von Rétyi

Alexandra Robbins

Skull & Bones, CFR, Rockefeller and Rothschild

Yale-in-China, Rise of Mao Tse-tungs, Rise of China

Expresszeitung number 50, p. 22: Yale in China and Mao Tse-Tung

Chinese civil war

Expresszeitung number 50, pages 49-50

George C. Marshall

Mao Tse-tung Ticket:

Expresszeitung number 50, page 77and 26-28

Culture Revolution, great leap forward, great Chinese famine

Expresszeitung number 50, pages 8-9 and 51-56

Deng Xiaoping

Kissinger, Rockefeller, Rothschild and China

Alexander Schnarf and Tilman Knechtel

Expresszeitung number 50, pages 26-28

China‘s rise
Expresszeitung number 50, pages 7-15 and 9-10

Antony C. Sutton

Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger members of CFR

Rothschild – control over China’s central bank


China under control of freemasons
Book „Massoni – Società a responsabilitàillimitata. La scoperta delle Ur-Lodges », Gioele Magaldi

Zbigniew Brzeziński

Gioele Magaldi

High-degree freemasons

Switchboards of globalization: IWF, Weltbank, BIZ and UN

China and its Lock-Down Politics + Praise of WHO

China – world currency system of IWF

China – Cash abolition and central bank currency

China and the new world order

China – Corona and monitoring of society

Social credit system + Introduction in Italy / Europe

WEF – China

Expresszeitung number 50, page 19

WEF Summer-Davos 2023

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