FLASHBACK | 2009 Biden confronted about advanced weaponry used on WTC 9/11

1 year ago

Has anyone ever seen this clip before? It's from a WeAreChange journalist that confronted Biden in 2009 about a report with evidence of Thermite used to destroy the WTC.

After the journalist asks Biden the question about "restoring the rule of law" in the context of it being an inside job with more than just planes hitting the towers, he asks to see the report he's referencing and then says "yes, you can trust us" before immediately ending the press event and running away.

Vice-President Biden, Im Jeremy Rothe-Kushel with WACLA Media....

So, I want to ask you about the role, the foundational role, [that] restoring the rule of law has in terms of rejuvenating our economy because there was a recent scientific paper that came out, I don't know if you know about it, but it basically is conclusive that the World Trade Center was blown up by very high, advanced explosives and it should have been and continue to be the very highest news story right now. So, my question to you is, when are you and President Obama going to ask the Department of Justice to start a criminal investigation in terms of who produced this advanced nano-thermite and who put it in the World Trade Center?

The space had gone silent, and every single person, including the press, the residents, the politicians and the Secret Service were listening intently to Jeremy's question, and they all could not help but witness Biden's discomfort and his loss for words. At this point Biden asked to see the report and took it to into his hands to look at it.

With the paper in the Vice-Presidents hands, Jeremy finished up the question by asking: And if you all are not going to do that, is it possible for We the American People to trust you with our economy if we cant trust you with restoring the rule of law? Biden, obviously caught in an awkward moment, handed the scientific paper back to Jeremy, and said "Yes," then said thank you to everybody, and quickly turned to leave. While leaving the scene, offered up a little bit more in terms of his ambiguous answer. That its possible to trust---you can trust us.

Unsatisfied with the evasiveness and ambiguity of the Vice Presidents answer, Jeremy continued to call out to Biden, asking him to clarify his position in regards to the 9/11 cover-up, but Biden did not clarify his position any further. Are you going to do an investigation? Sir, are you part of the treasonous cover-up of 9/11 or are you going to help clear this up? Vice President Biden, this is about treason under Article III, Section 3 of the Constitution.

Today we managed to get the only question asked, and every single person present walked away from that event with Jeremy's question about scientific proof for military grade explosives used in the destruction of the Twin Towers on their mind. On our way out, a reporter complained to Jeremy that "it doesn't matter what story you are after you should always keep it with the agenda of the moment," to which Bruno's pleasant response was, "When is 9-11 ever the agenda of the moment?" The reporter bowed his head and walked away.

As we stood in the street, smiles on our faces for having just had an intense experience of engaging high rank politicians about 9-11 and treason, the same Secret Service agent we had interacted with before the press conference came walking out. He smiled and pointed at us, "Great work guys!" then he saluted us! Yes, a Secret Service agent saluted us for asking the Vice President a hard question about scientific proof of the controlled demolition of the towers on 9-11. Bruno called out to him "Thank you! You did a great job running a smooth operation!"

Shoutout to @Lukewearechange for founding WeAreChange and creating all these chapters of guerilla journalists all over the country.


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Some have doubted if this is real or AI generated. Well here is the original upload on youtube from 14 years ago. The quality is poor but the content is authentic.


Here is the report handed to Biden (downloadable .PDF paper) handed to Biden

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