A Wellspring Gospel ❤️ Jesus reveals Heavenly Gifts thru Jakob Lorber

11 months ago

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Heavenly Gifts 1-028

A Wellspring Gospel
Findings at the source of the Andritz, north of Graz, near St. Veit
July 30, 1840, in the afternoon

Lorber recounts what the Wellspring tells him. - Transcribed by: K. G. L.; Andr. H.; Ans. H. -

1. Before I (the Wellspring) impart to you the nature of my being, it is first of all necessary to know whence I hail and how I came to be.

2. More than 4000 fathoms deep, in an oblique direction, facing the east, there is a wide and large opening which was created by the divine fire when the mountains were first formed. There, in this opening, all the water that is taken from the moist air by the mountains is gathered. In this way, this large, wide opening is kept almost constantly full, and the weight of the mountain masses raised above this opening, as well as the densely compressed air at this depth, bear down on these waters, and so this subterranean reservoir is brought up to the light of day, and not only in this place you have just seen, but in many other locations as well, through small and larger openings, and even through hollow passages within the mountains. For you see, the reason that I am thus carried up to the surface of the Earth upon which you find yourselves, and not down into the depths, as some would think, is that the foundation of this subterranean dwelling of mine, that which you call the bedrock, is a firm and solid layer of stone that I rest within, as within a cauldron.

3. But within this cauldron are three veins, each as thick as a man's arm, which run in a north-easterly direction more than three miles deep beneath the mountain you call "Schöckel". Below this mountain there are a far larger cauldron and water reservoir, both of which also came into being through the formation of the mountain above, by the divine fire of power; the love of the Father!

4. Originally, the fire continued to dwell and burn incessantly within these openings for many centuries. When the water masses entered through the fissures while the fire was still undulating, I was almost evaporated and consumed as I passed through the seething chasms. My tranquil strength was stirred to action by the fire, and it needed to assist the subterranean masses in rising to the light of day. As these fissures gradually grew ever larger as more and more pieces were torn away, I, in turn, was able to enter and fall down in ever larger quantities, in order to soothe the great arrogance of the fire. This fire, although originating from the very love of the Father, was nevertheless a fire, thus containing a significant portion of the wrath of the Divinity. Thereafter, it gradually went out in the lower regions of the cauldron, only burning now and then among the higher reaches of the ejected masses, for another two centuries or so.

5. And finally, after the mountains had received their proper shape, height, width and weight, according to the will of the Creator, the Eternal Love sent a righteous little angel spirit, which proceeded to smother the fire completely.

6. May no one believe that such a spirit, able to dominate the very mountains, is but a fable! For countless, yes infinite legions of spirits are willing subjects to the loving might of the Eternal One, finding the greatest joy and bliss in carrying out what the love of the Lord gives them to do. And so, the love of the Lord gladly grants these spirits what they devotedly desire as well.

7. Behold, as you see me there before your eyes, only through tiny veins do I rise up to this place visible to you, from a depth of about a hundred fathoms. And look, if no benevolent spirit were assigned to my procession and present to cleanse the paths I traverse, then they would have long since been blocked off or otherwise ruined by my blunt clumsiness. Precisely this spirit assigned to me, guarding these small pathways of mine, has kept them in beautiful, calm and gentle order for almost a millennium, and, for the sake of the speaking example, does not allow me grow dull, so the people who like to visit me because of my purity and quiet seclusion, feasting their eyes on my cheerful briskness and clarity, will remember and well consider (should they be of a pure mind worthy of God) that purity and clear perception of their own being, as well as anyone else's, can only be brought about by God through a calm and modest demeanour, in quiet, introspective solitude.

8. Once upon a time several pious individuals, whose mind was God and whose actions were nothing but love, lived around these parts. With pious and simple hearts they visited this place where you now stand almost daily, and once they had performed a God-pleasing contemplation, devotion and sacrifice of their daily work to the Lord, every time this same righteous spirit emerged from the spot over there to the left of the monument (which was only very recently placed there in an unworthy manner) and taught the pious crowd the love of God, wisdom, obedience and humility, and with these God's great love, revealing to them all manner of wonderful secrets of nature.

9. These people then conversed with the spirit for hours, and he only left them once an important task called him away. You should have been there and gazed at my mirror, then you would have seen that, before God, everything gives joy and is receptive to joy. I will only tell you this much, and may it not appear ridiculous to you: I leapt and bounced like a lively dancer in my little pool, and the rocks laughed, offering their meaningful applause.

10. However, the people living today, who have grown far more material than even these weather-worn rocks surrounding me, should never be allowed to experience such a spectacle of natural spirituality. For he who has not brought the spirit to life within himself, by the influence of the spirits of heaven as well as obedience and humility before the Almighty Creator, his life is but a material one, maintained by the spirits of matter, entering his being via food and drink. Such an individual, who thereby returns to matter, may see, hear and feel nothing but matter, whereby he is and lives.

11. Only, it is quite a different case with the humble and obedient spiritual man. He does not only see matter, for within it, he beholds the primordial spiritual being related to him prevailing, alive and wise, and through humble conversation with such a spirit he comes to know of the deepest insights into the multifaceted nature of coarser matter, some of it complete, some of it destroyed, and some of it seemingly entirely dissolved. However, he will be able to converse with not only a single spirit, for there exists a myriad of spirits from every kingdom of visible nature, both living and appearing to live, as well as those seemingly devoid of any life, all of whom he may share an instructive discourse with.

12. So you see, should you gaze at my mirror, you will notice many a movement on my surface: one of an orderly, regular and circular nature, originating from within me, and another, disorderly, irregular, shapeless, caused by external circumstances, disturbing my mirror.

13. Behold, the former of these, if you dwelled in the life of the spirit, it would be to you not merely a movement brought about by coarsely material circumstances, for therein you would also discover an altogether marvellous, well-legible scripture, written by the almighty finger of God, in greatest clarity. However, since you are unable to do so, in closing I will briefly teach you something of this spiritual ABC, as well as its profound meaning.

14. This circular movement is created by a material-spiritual bubble arising from within me, through which (be not surprised about what I will announce to you) a soothed spiritual being is released from the all too severe pressure of dead matter. From this you may take the following, spiritually corresponding teaching as well: Your spirit too was first similarly released from matter, and likewise, within you, where it is still bound to matter must travel the same path, from the innermost part of your being to its very surface, and there it too shall reveal itself in an ordered, circular effect, mirroring God, all to set your entire being, which is in and of itself material, in well-ordered motion, akin to my mirror-smooth surface. Let my position be a corresponding illustration to you as well, that this godlike life of the spirit grows all the more beautiful the more you have withdrawn from the evil world raging outside.

15. These few things you have heard here are all that I can and may communicate to you at this time. However, should you perceive similarly lively movements of your spirit upon the surface of your being, as you have seen them upon my mirror-smooth surface, then return to me and learn to more profoundly recognize miracles of the Divine love and power upon my small and shallow shore! Amen.

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