Constitution FOR the United States of America vs CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

1 year ago

A brief history lesson we were NEVER taught in school. We've been lied to our entire lives.

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On February 21, 1871, the 41st Congress passed an Act to provide a government for the District of Columbia., By this action, and with no constitutional authority, a separate government and form of Constitution was created for the 10 square miles of land known as the District of Columbia or WASHINGTON DC INC.

The original US Constitution was entitled "The Constitution FOR the United States of America". The Act of 1871 changed the title to read "THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA". By changing the name and the capitalization of the Constitution, the people were removed from this corporation of the United States and not FOR the people of America.

The people, as a result of these changes, now have no rights of freedoms, no ownership of property, no right to travel, no right to marry, and no right to do business. They are all debt slaves who must serve the corporation. Slaves have no rights, only privileges and permission to live on their master's property. Should they try in any way to use the corporate constitution they will be charged with criminal trespass as they are not a party to this private contract entitled "THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA".

Our Constitution explicitly states that "no citizen shall pay any direct tax to the federal government". Why then are the citizens in all our sovereign states forced to pay federal income tax which is collected by a foreign corporation of England called the Internal Revenue Service. the IRS?

Our Constitution explicitly states that our currency is to be backed fully by gold and silver and that our banking system is to be under control of the Treasury of the United States of America and the Congress. Why then is it that no one cannot receive gold or silver coin for their currency at their banks?

Why does our money say 'Federal Reserve Note' instead of 'Gold or Silver Certificate' as it once did?

Why are our banks called Federal Reserve Banks and not U.S. Treasury Banks?

Why is the Federal Reserve Bank system owned by a British Corporation and controlled by the 13 most wealthy families of the world?

The TRUTH is being revealed for such a time as this, just as God said it would in His Word. 🙏

"There is nothing hidden that won't be revealed and there is nothing secret that won't become known and come to light." Luke 8:17

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