Motivation Music Mix - [God] is Vogue!

1 year ago

[The light shines towards the darkness, but the darkness could not and would not
comprehend it, because the deeds of the dark ones were of SIN and WICKED, and
hence were unable to recognize the TRUTH, because their mind was fueled by
corruptions that SIN wroth]. - [John 1:5].

[Where SIN thrived, more SIN followed; where there was righteousness, SIN wasn't able to penetrate because those who SIN, live in the darkness of their SIN, and those who walk in truth, have no place for those whose physicality has been ruptured by SIN].

In both science and spirituality exists blind faith and to assume it does not exist stalls our thinking process, since we assume only what we THINK to be true, is what is true!?

Why are their various religions then? What is the purpose of their existence? How did it come to be?
What's the reason science who assumes dominance over HUMANITY has not been able to solve multiple-issues that HUMANITY has been facing? Is it not because Science is not incapable of doing so, but because MAN has deemed that issues of society are not worth investing time and money in.

So U C, it isn't science or religion that is the 'cause of world-wide issues but the greed and apathy of HUMAN's who tolerate wickedness and gives way for wicked HUMAN's to commit wicked deeds.


[Religion just as science is not meant to be blindly followed but to be questioned as to the what and the how. Only through questioning and thinking about what is written can we understand what is meant.]



[The Gates of Hell as mentioned by most Holy Books - Lust, Greed, Envy and Pride].

[For your information]: Just as todays psycho-babble psychopaths are corrupting the [rainbow] symbol and turning it into pride and SIN; so that whenever a rainbow appears in the sky that signifies [hope], our minds unconsciously start to co-relate or associate with the PRIDE flag of SIN. There were days when Hitler used a symbol on his flag called the Swastika. The real meaning of .卐. is good fortune/peace/well-being.

[Socio-Psychological-manipulations] : Good made to appear bad; bad made to appear good].


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