10 Golden Rules of Sigma Males to Destroy Her Ego (She Will Chase) | inside sigma

1 year ago

10 Golden Rules of Sigma Males to Destroy Her Ego (She Will Chase)

She keeps ignoring you all the time? What you need to do: It is essential to learn how to put her down. As a man, you should expect respect and be the pack leader. These days, women have egos as big as planets. On social media, there are a lot of weak and thirsty men who pant like dogs. It's given women a false sense of reality; they think you should worship them just because they're pretty. Make her snap out of her fantasy, you have to. By the end of this video, you'll be able to make her beg you to pay attention to her.
Tenth, think you're better. Act always above them. Keep a mind that will dominate them. One of the best ways to destroy her ego is to do this. She has been living in a dream; she thinks her beauty is all she needs. You are a hard-working man who is constantly striving to get better. So, think of yourself as a strong man and not as a weak one. People will act in accordance with your high self-esteem. Women are drawn to men who act in a way that controls others. She wants a man who is competitive, so stop being lazy and get off the couch. Be the perfect man if you want her to chase you. Don't let her looks sway you too much; make her work to earn your approval. Feel better than women who are only beautiful and have nothing else to offer. The only way to destroy their inflated egos, which have been wrongly raised, is to have this superiority complex, which is essential.

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