Life Coaching 101 - It Takes "YOU" to Tango 💃🕺

1 year ago

It takes "YOU"  to tango 💃🕺

When we are in situations that are uncomfortable having to do with other people, it is very hard for us to sometimes see our part in it. However in order for the situation to change, it is necessary for us to see how we are contributing to it.

Of course, this doesn't apply to situations where we truly are victims such as things that have happened in our childhood, in abusive relationships, etc. Also, there are certainly situations where one person is definitely more at fault, however the situation is not beyond our control and we still have a part in it.

So, if the situation we are in is somewhat within our control, then we must recognize this and see it for what it is. We must bring an awareness to our part in the situation and accept our role in it. Once we can do this, then we can take accountability for it which will then spur action.

Taking responsibility is not always easy, but it is so necessary for our growth as human beings. Once we take responsibility, we have the power to change anything in our life.

Believe in yourself. You can do it!!!

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Sometimes all we need is a little perspective. 🌧️ 🌈 🌞

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#ittakestwo #ittakestwototango #ownwhatsyours #ownyourpart

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