SLOBODNI podcast #44 Dr. Ivana Pavić i dr. Chris Flowers-Turbo karcinomi nakon masovnog cijepljenja

1 year ago

🙏Počastite nas kavicom☕ Dr. Ivana Pavić specijalist patologije i dr. Chris Flowers spec. radiolog iznose zabrinjavajući trend rasta turbo karcinoma nakon masovnog cijepljenja. Pojam turbo karcinomi nije postojao prije. Dodatna je opasnost jer se ne zna tretman za ovu novu pojavu. Još je veća zabrinutost jer službene institucije ne pokreću istrage uzroka ovih opasnih vrsta karcinoma.
🙏Treat us with a coffee☕ Dr. Ivana Pavić, specialist in pathology, and Dr. Chris Flowers, specialist in radiology, present the worrying trend of growth of turbo carcinoma after mass vaccination. The term turbo carcinoma did not exist before. There is an additional danger because there is no known treatment for this new phenomenon. There is even greater concern because official institutions do not initiate investigations into the causes of these dangerous types of cancer.

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