The Consequences of the New Axis of Evil are Dire

1 year ago

10/02/2023 Roy on Wayne Dupree Podcast: The consequences of the new axis of evil are dire. There could be a proliferation of nuclear weapons and biological weapons. Also all the dictators around the world would join in and form a new UN. And the real problem is the US is still investing in the CCP. There's still $7 trillion in Xi Jinping's hands and Xi is ready to confiscate it. If we're not getting to the level of banning all investment, investigating all the enablers and co-conspirators and the people in bed with CCP, we're not going to solve the problem.
10/02/2023 罗伊做客Wayne Dupree Podcast:新邪恶轴心国的后果将是灾难性的,可能导致核武器和生物武器扩散,世界上所有独裁者都会加入并形成新联合国。真正的问题在于美国仍在投资中共。现在仍有7万亿美元在习近平的手上,他随时可以没收。如果不禁止所有对中共国的投资,调查所有与中共沆瀣一气的帮凶、共谋者,问题是得不到解决的。

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