Shane Ellison: The big pharma business model's next level: INVENT DISEASE.

1 year ago

You have a billion dollar industry making a lot of people sick and profiting on it.
At least 125,000 people die each year from pharmaceuticals. Are they trying to offset the death toll?? NO. Hypnotize the masses, and drug them. G

This is Shane Ellison. He has a masters in organic chemistry and has worked for pharmaceutical companies like Array BioPharma and the infamous Eli Lilly.

He perfectly summarizes the cold hard realities of the drug industry and what the true intent behind their research is. It has nothing to do with resolving the underlying problem, and only has to do with treating symptoms to can keep you as a customer for life.

So what happens they run out of symptoms to treat? Invent more diseases and diagnoses with associated symptoms so they can continue to develop more drugs to "treat" them. This is what the DSM-5 is.

When they find those drugs to be deadly or harmful in their internal research, instead of stopping the release of the drug to protect public health, they bring in their marketing department to come up with a manipulative and dishonest sales agenda to sell the drug to people, and then they talk to their lawyers and actuaries to discern how much profit they need to make to offset the potential legal costs and ramifications of their drug harming or killing people.

All of this is fueled by money and bribery. Politicians are just the same as doctors, scientists, researchers, journalists, or any other profession people look towards as an authority for guidance or trust. If you pay them enough money, they'll say and do whatever you want.

This is the system that allows for your 4 year old to end up on xanax, adderall, and prozac because some authority said there was something wrong with them, which they made up in the first place to justify the drug.

h/t Inversionism

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