Cheeky seagull steals a fish scrap from much larger pelicans

1 year ago

The fish market on Santa Cruz Island in the Galapagos is a hub of activity. People come here for fish and other seafood for meals. The tourists also come here to see the excitement when fishermen come back from the sea. The workers scale and gut the fish, preparing them for sale. People negotiate and inspect the fish. Lobsters are held up for pictures.
But the most interesting thing about the fish market here is that the animals come in great numbers for the chance of a free meal. Sea lions beg and plead, waiting for a kind soul to fling a piece of the fish guts in their direction. Pelicans line up and stare at the fish cleaners as if they can hypnotize them and make them feel generous. As the guts are pulled from the fish, the pelicans close in and get ready They recognize that this might be the moment.
A quick toss sends some scraps in their direction and they are ready to hustle and tug at each end of the pieces. As the pelicans do battle for the biggest parts, one piece falls to the ground and a hungry seagull moves in. A pelican tries to grab the guts first but the seagull has a more delicate beak and gets a better grip. The pelican is much bigger and he moves in with the intent of intimidating the smaller bird and getting the prize. But the seagull quickly runs off the edge of the pier and flies off to a nearby boat to eat his snack.
The pelicans might be the big bosses on this pier but a determined and cheeky seagull can be the victor and carry of the reward for his bold moves.

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