1 year ago

Movies like Apollo 13 and Jurassic Park have made us believe that we can see real-life experiences or fantastic things that don't exist. But sometimes Hollywood takes creative liberties and shows us things that are not possible in real life. Here are some popular movie myths that have been debunked.

1. Air conditioning ducts can be used to sneak through buildings, but they can be narrow, hot, and noisy.

2. Temporarily incapacitating someone with a blow to the skull or jaw is relatively harmless.

3. It's possible to outrun a massive explosion.

4. CPR can revive individuals in various situations, regardless of the cause.

5. Hackers often employ visually captivating, real-time 3D interfaces or sleek, stylish ones, complete with popping windows during their hacking endeavors.

6. Drowning individuals often make a lot of noise and exhibit frantic movements.

7. Using a chloroform-soaked rag can render someone unconscious within seconds.

8. The forensic process can help to answer questions and solve crimes, but it is not infallible.

9. A defibrillator can help restart a heart that is beating abnormally, but it cannot restart a heart that has stopped beating completely.

10. Pulling the pin of a grenade with one's teeth is a Hollywood myth.

11. You cannot talk to another skydiver during freefall.

12. There is NO WAITING PERIOD to report a missing person.

13. The asteroid belt is not as dense and crowded as it is often depicted in movies and TV shows.

14. Quicksand can be dangerous and even deadly.

15. Falling into a volcano will lead to sinking.

Hollywood movies are full of amazing visuals, but it is important to remember that they are just movies.

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