This Is Why Why All Babies Should Grow Up With A Pet

7 years ago

When pet owning families get their first child, they usually don’t want to wait and train their pet to be accepting of the latest addition to the family. That is why so many cats and dogs end up in shelters, or even worse, on the streets of the world. If only people could remember the types of valuable life lessons these pets can teach their children, without even uttering a word.

Remember when you had your first pet? The capital thing they always teach us is to play fair; they can endure so much for our love, but they will also tell you quite clearly when you do something they do not enjoy, or if they had enough of play time.

Pets can also teach the precious lesson of sharing - this is what we have and we share it equally between each other, whether it’s play time, nap time, food and toys. Some kids get to be even luckier, because they get to learn some of the fun stuff from their furry friends, like how to dance like no one is watching, how to have loads of careless fun and get away with it, but also that every mess needs to be taken care of in the end.

Most importantly, our pets teach us that the best kind of love is unconditional love!

These two met when Laura was just a baby, but they had an instant connection and now are best friends! Check out Charlie’s other videos if you are not convinced enough.

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