$5 Feeds 4 People 🌯 Cheesy Bean & Rice Burrito & A Side Of Cheesy Basil Rice 🍚

1 year ago

Ingredients 4 Rice:
2 Tbsp Butter, 1 Finely Diced Onion,
4 Cups Water, 2 Tsp Chicken Bullion,
2 tsp Basil, 2 Cups Rice
Ingredients 4 Burritos:
2-16 oz Cans Refried Beans,
1/4 Cup Salsa,
1 tsp Each:
Garlic, Cumin, Chili Powder
10 Flour Tortillas,
2 Cups Shredded Cheddar


Don't Fear The News! Be Prepared For Doomsday With Depression Era Style, No Boxed Mix Or Processed Shi*.
We Use Simple Stockpile Ingredients That You Should ALWAYS Have On Hand. Prepare For The Next Food Shortage Or An Economic Collapse...
Get Your Kids And Family Ready To Fend For Themselves And Not Have To Rely On Government. Learn To Cook Like A True Conservative, Most Of Our Meals Are Cost Effective. $10 Or Less With 4-6 Servings,
Just Simple Pantry Stock & A Little Effort!

Due to the rising cost of food I see so many people struggling to eat. I suddenly realize that our population has lost the knowledge to create food that doesn't come from a box. I taught myself to cook at the age of 21 out of necessity from a (1968) cookbook that I had inherited from a friend. We had three children and often a fourth, my husband worked full time, it was up to me to figure out how I was going to feed us all on one income because daycare was more than a full-time job would pay. As time went on I found shortcuts and perfected every recipe it brought me so much happiness to make the family smile with my creations. It was my responsibility but it gave me purpose every day as a stay-at-home mom. As the children grew older and I got a part-time job I continued to cook the way I had learned and still do to this day. I regret not making my own children help me more in the kitchen so they could spend less on groceries and eat healthy as adults. Now that my husband and I are helping to raise two of our grandchildren I am so blessed. Our arts and crafts time is spent in the kitchen. The joy they get from saying "I made this" is priceless and they are always excited to help grandma cook and eat their creation! ❤

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