Harry Binswanger & Yaron Discuss What Real Philosophy Is | Yaron Interviews

1 year ago

00:00 Intro
00:55 Harry Binswanger
01:30 What Real Philosophy Is
06:57 What Happened
13:05 What Philosophers Do Today
15:30 Rand continues the tradition of serious philosophy
18:33 Virtue Ethics
19:37 Why is Ethics Difficult for People
23:50 Scientists are not philosophers
26:10 They are not serious philosophers
31:58 Why did it take 3000 years?
35:58 What makes Rand a true philosopher?
38:14 Biggest Issues Solved by Rand

Live Questions:
50:01 Self-esteem has been long been considered an important value for good reason.However, we have discovered from the hierarchy of needs, that self-actualization may be more psychologically urgent. Have either of you considered or even experienced a need to evaluate or review the prime values?
55:33 After reading How We Know, and truly understanding epistemology I felt much more intelligent. Honestly much more intellectually aware than everyone around me. Given your experience what is the percentage of people that are actually epistemologically competent?
58:02 Harry, what is the difference, between the concept privilege and the concept right, if any? My answer is that a privilege is something earned while a right is something everyone is entitled to by the nature of our identity.
59:32 Hello Harry, if words serve as sensory-auditory symbols for conceptualization, would it be logical to say that the electrical voltage of bits organized into computerized words registered in the computer memory, be considered sensory symbols of concepts as well.
1:01:42 After not being introduced to Objectivism for my 1st 40yrs, i’ve found it an amazing personal enlightenment, but often challenging to live in a world that doesn’t reflect Ayn’s philosophy. Are you often discouraged and any advice for dealing with this reality?
1:05:21 are respect & trust concepts of consciousness like other emotions ? Could you define and dicuss how trust and resepct are related to each other and how they integrate w/ one's rational values? Thank you for all you both do!! 🙂
1:09:56 Harry, could you discuss your differences with Yaron over gun control? The article you posted suggests any form of regulation on guns is a form of preventative law and is illegitimate, while Yaron believes gun control regulations are essential.
1:12:30 Could you also discuss your differences with Yaron over open immigration? Yaron believing in some immigration controls while your view is consistently laissez-faire.
1:15:15 Value for value? I cannot give enough. Thank you Yaron. Harry, I thank you and salute your mind.
1:15:26 Harry, I admire your work in epistemology and I have been studying it thoroughly. Please try out my tool (domain: conceptual.directory) based on Objectivist Epistemology. You will have fun with it!
1:16:07 What has Peikoff meant in the past by saying that the field of psychology needs an Aristotelian person/revolution in order to make the field legitimate?Objectivism seems to dislike psychology and I wonder why. thank you both a million for teaching me
1:19:01 What do today’s philosophy doctoral candidates need to do in order to earn PhDs, if reality isn’t the standard? How do their teachers know if they pass or fail?
1:22:48 I have heard many critiques of Rand’s personal life. I consider it irrelevant and have never researched it. I stick to reading the work. Is there any rational purpose to learn more about her life vis-a-vis controversy? Thanks
1:27:01 Harry, please take a look at clustering and classification algorithms in machine learning. You will notice that they are basically implementing the process of integration and differentiation as explained by Ayn Rand.
1:27:44 If philosophers automatize disconnection from reality, they must be miserable S.O.B.s - this is unbelievable and sad. Thanks Harry! You are fantastic.
1:30:20 What's the relationship between a value's hierarchical rank and its abstraction level? For example, my highest values, like independence, are more abstract, and my lower-ranking values, like Latin cuisine, are more concrete.
1:33:54 See pinned comment for timestamps of additional questions

2:15:32 Outro

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