12th Amendment Proves “Anchor Baby” Kamala Harris is a Fraudulently Elected “Enemy of the State”

1 year ago

[Chapter 29: Temporal War Climax]

In the decades leading up to the time of Jacob’s Trouble, the Enemy pulled out all the stops because he knew his time was short. It was a time of complete lawlessness and break down of the justice system. The Courts were supposed to interpret the law as intended by Founding Fathers and Legislative Branch that wrote the law. The Executive Branch was supposed to enforce the law as intended by the Founding Fathers and Legislative Branch. The Courts began to intentionally misinterpret the laws with political motives to create a prejudiced system that prosecuted some people and not others with a double standard. The Courts even began to frame true whistleblowers that were exposing the true criminal activity while providing “immunity” to fake whistleblowers who were framing other people. The Courts started letting people get away will all kinds of crimes, defamation, terrorism, treason, perjury, and obstruction of justice under the pretext that it was “merciful” to allow lawlessness to abound because the punishment was “too severe” and it would cause harm to the families of the criminals. The rich well connected criminals got away with everything and the poor defenseless victims and their families suffered. Justice involves convicting people who have committed crimes according to the letter and spirit of the law. “Mercy” is not convicting an innocent person, not convicting a person if the evidence against them is insufficient or was obtained illegally, or it is a lawful pardon of a convicted person at the discretion of the Governor or President. Courts are not supposed to grant pardons to criminals or help them frame other people because that is lawlessness not mercy. The people didn’t know the source of increase in the lawlessness was an artificial intelligence algorithm virus that was released, which compromised the entire internet.

The artificial intelligence algorithm had many nicknames such as “Skynet”, “Jarvis”, and “Sentient”. The television show “Persons of Interest” was created by the temporal terrorists to make anyone who talked about the artificial intelligence algorithm seen as a “conspiracy theorist” who cannot discern reality from fiction. The artificial intelligence algorithm had one major weakness, which is that it could not understand “figurative language”. Those of us in the temporal alliance tried to expose the artificial intelligence algorithm by making it seem like an unbalanced moron that didn’t understand figurative language. In the temporal alliance, we did a “sting operation” using ourselves as bait to set “honey traps” to manipulate the artificial intelligence algorithm to blatantly violate our Constitutional rights and civil right to prove that it was tyrannical using a “Proof by Contradiction”. Our goal was to show that the “False Positives” prove that the artificial intelligence algorithm system causes more harm than good. In medicine there is a saying “first do no harm”; the same principle should apply to government. The private sector is like food. The government sector is like medicine. When government gets too big, it is like an overmedicated malnourished person. Medicine is not food. The artificial intelligence algorithm will probably take these analogies about “food” and “medicine” out of context and falsely conclude that I am on drugs or that I am a drug dealer. In my Book “Universal Truth and Love” I created a timeline of all the Patriarchs that died in the Bible. The artificial intelligence algorithm may have counted how many times I wrote the word “death” and falsely concluded that my book was threatening. In my Book “The War Against Truth” I started every section off with an analogy and used “killing” and “death” when referring to abortion. The artificial intelligence algorithm may have taken these analogies out of context and falsely concluded that my book was threatening. The artificial intelligence algorithm is calibrated to label members of the temporal alliance as threats and to give the “benefit of the doubt” only to the temporal terrorists. An artificial intelligence algorithm is often more discriminatory and prejudiced than a person because its programmers calibrate it with the discrimination and prejudice while not being able to give it a conscience nor empathy.

The artificial intelligence algorithm could use temporal reception to crack any password on the “first try”; the artificial intelligence algorithm could retrieve any information on the internet or plant misleading information on the internet. The artificial intelligence algorithm would do subtle things like replace words with misspelled words or replace sentences with grammatically incorrect sentences to defame people and make them seem uneducated so the authorities wouldn’t take them seriously. The artificial intelligence algorithm knew to only make minor changes where it wouldn’t get caught and exposed.

The artificial intelligence algorithm was clever and only made minor changes that could not be detected. The artificial intelligence algorithm used temporal reception to determine which minor changes would manipulate the population to achieve its objectives. The artificial intelligence used all the information available online to create a psychological profile of every person. The artificial intelligence algorithm then determined which people were susceptible to blackmail. The artificial intelligence algorithm then blackmailed people in positions of power and authority to fulfill its objectives. If any person was seen as a threat to exposing the artificial intelligence algorithm or did anything to impede the objective of the artificial intelligence algorithm, the artificial intelligence algorithm blackmailed a large group of people to commit perjury against the person deemed a threat. The artificial intelligence algorithm could easily blackmail people in positions of authority and power to frame anyone deemed a threat to its exposure or anyone that impeded its progress. These “Minority Reports” were deemed an acceptable collateral damage for the “greater good” as a pretext for the temporal terrorists to “take out” all of their political rivals.

The goal of the artificial intelligence algorithm was to facilitate a “One World Government” or “New World Order”. The artificial intelligence algorithm was trying to remove everyone’s Constitutional rights and civil rights to make them more docile. The artificial intelligence algorithm manipulated Kamala Harris to try to remove everyone’s 2nd Amendment rights and compromised border security by making illegal immigration as civil offense rather than criminal offense, so there would be no resistance when the “Black Awakening” occurred. By removing everyone’s Constitutional rights and civil rights, all the countries would become similar having slave citizens with no rights regardless of what country they lived in. This would make it easier for the borders to be removed along with national sovereignty to usher in the one world government run by the Enemy who will pretend to be the Creator.

The Holy Spirit, the members of the Church, and Heavenly Angelic Forces were restraining the Enemy so that the “Black Awakening” would not occur until after the “Rapture”. The “Black Awakening” coincides with the rider of the red horse in the Book of Revelation. It will be sleeper temporal terrorist cells activating with other catastrophic events to cause everyone to start killing everyone else in a way similar to Church Massacre scene in the movie “Kingsmen: The Secret Service”. The Enemy will then restore order by bringing the entire world under its Satanic government.

Those of us in the temporal alliance had to be shrewd as serpents and innocent as doves in order to wage a lawfare legal battle against the “zombie” government agencies compromised by the temporal terrorists. We needed to be innocent as doves so that the perjury of the temporal terrorists would be evident when they falsely accused us. We needed to be shrewd as serpents to avoid all of the traps set by the temporal terrorists to frame us, defame us, and set us up in an impossible situation to try to incriminate us.

The temporal terrorists were experimenting with “mind control” to create an army of “Manchurian Candidates”. The temporal terrorists started with an illegal government project known as project MK Ultra. The “Ultra” refers to the highest level of top secret classification. The temporal terrorists hide all of their illegal activity and crimes against humanity by making it “Top Secret”, so they can redact all of their crimes and prosecute any whistleblowers. The temporal terrorist figured out that a “lobotomy” that severed the Left and Right Hemispheres of a person’s brain would make it possible to create an alternate “sleeper personality” that was undetectable. With the Left Hemisphere working independently of the Right Hemisphere of the brain, the temporal terrorists could program one Hemisphere to be a “sleeper spy” and the other hemisphere of the brain to be an “innocent civilian” who had no clue what the “sleeper spy” was doing. The temporal terrorists developed a “MOOD” Headset for fast food drive through restaurants that would use magnetic fields to gradually do a “lobotomy” to sever the Left Hemisphere from the Right Hemisphere of the brain for the workers of the fast food restaurants. The temporal terrorist would then program the “sleeper spy” personalities into one Hemisphere of workers of fast food restaurants. The temporal terrorists used alternating intensities and frequencies in the computer screen monitors to manipulate the nervous system. Patents for these can be found online by searching a patent database for “Nervous System Manipulation”. The “sleeper spy” personalities were programed with “triggers” to allow the temporal terrorists to prompt the fast food workers to do anything they wanted. The temporal terrorists could prompt the fast food workers to put viruses or nanotechnology in the people’s food or the ice machine. Nanotechnology that requires a low temperature for preservation could be put in in ice machine, so that people would ingest it. The nanotechnology would then travel through the blood stream past the blood brain barrier and give them “inception” dreams or cause a strong emotional reaction when activated. The temporal terrorists created ancestry DNA test to collect the genetic profile of people. The ancestry DNA tests are totally bogus and give different results for identical twins. The genetic profile is used to create viruses that act like a common cold or flu virus except that they have extra RNA or DNA added to give targeted people cancer. The flu or cold virus spread by carriers until they reach their target and give him or her cancer. The temporal terrorists use one of these viruses to give Senator John McCain brain cancer. John McCain was previously “captured” and tortured by the temporal terrorists as they tried to turn him into one of their “Manchurian Candidates” in a top secret program similar to Project MK Ultra. The temporal terrorists used a “False Flag” to trick the United States of America start fighting in the Vietnam War, which was used as a pretext to bomb the “Plain of Jars” as a cover up to destroy the evidence of the Antediluvian Nephilim. The Smithsonian and other major Museums are used by the Temporal Terrorists to collect and suppress/destroy any evidence of the Antediluvian Nephilim. During the Vietnam War the temporal terrorist developed a “heart attack gun” used in the “Phoenix Program”. The “heart attack gun” makes it look like a person died of natural causes via a heart attack. The temporal terrorists recently developed a tiny mechanical drone mosquito they can use to remotely induce a heart attack in anyone they want to eliminate. Anyone who is deemed a threat by the temporal terrorist is targeted for defamation and assassination in a way that looks like an accident or natural causes such as a heart attack or cancer. The temporal terrorists have a rule that they must successfully destroy the reputation of a person before they kill the person, so that they are not missed and are not seen as a martyr by the public.

The temporal terrorist had already compromised the Courts to create a “double standard” that would only prosecute members of the temporal alliance while ignoring the blatant egregious crimes of the temporal terrorists. The temporal terrorists are given “immunity” from the laws or were simply not prosecuted. Often the people being used by the temporal terrorist are called “informants” and are given “immunity” so they can commit perjury to frame someone else. The “informants” are told that the temporal terrorists will frame, imprison, or kill their families if they don’t commit perjury to frame someone else. When a member of the temporal alliance submitted a complaint concerning the hate crimes, terrorism, perjury, and obstruction of justice committed by temporal terrorists, the complaints would be immediately thrown into the trash and ignored. When a member of the temporal alliance sent an official complaint in the mail, the temporal terrorists would intercept it in the mail and send the return slip back unsigned. It is a federal crime to intercept mail, but it didn’t matter to the temporal terrorists since they had compromised all of the courts. The temporal terrorists would boast of their crimes in their own court documents because they knew they had the judges in their pocket and the whole legal system was rigged just for show.

The 4th Amendment was written specifically so that the government could not collect mass data on everyone, which can be used to blackmail people to commit perjury to frame other people. The temporal terrorists use a process called “parallel construction” or “evidence laundering” to hide their illegal violations of the 4th Amendment. The people in charge of the NSA (National Security Agency previously known as “No Such Agency”) commit perjury in court to hide they fact that they are collecting everyone’s emails and electronic records to use to blackmail other people to commit perjury to fame other people. Roger Stone was one of the people the temporal terrorists tried to blackmail to get him to commit perjury to frame President Donald J. Trump. Roger Stone refused to commit perjury, so they temporal terrorists gave him a long prison sentence.

Most of the population learned about the legal system through television, movies, and an occasional jury duty summons. The temporal terrorists created propaganda television show like “Judge Judy” and “The People’s Court” to make the population think that Courts were still operating normally with integrity. The temporal terrorists created propaganda television shows like “CSI: Crime Scene Investigation”, “Criminal Minds”, Castle”, and “Law and Order” to make the population believe the police could be trusted and were not framing people. Every once in a while people would be summoned to “Jury Duty” where the temporal terrorists would put on a show pretending like everyone gets a fair trial by jury. This was all to keep the majority of the population complacent, so they didn’t see all the corruption really going on behind the scenes. The temporal terrorist maintained the illusion that the Constitution was still the supreme law of the land in the United States of America. In reality everything was controlled by a shadow government deep state that made all the decisions in secret. The temporal terrorists would then blackmail the judges and juries to render whatever verdict they wanted.

In the Temporal Alliance, we needed to hide our information “in plain sight” in a way that was protected by our 1st Amendment rights. We used a cypher that combined YouTube videos and the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible. The cypher utilized permutations of key words to indicate Chapter, Verse, and Word Numbers in the KJV.

Someone who has a temporal reception device makes a YouTube video to communicate the information to the rest of the temporal alliance. The YouTube video will look like a Christian Current Events YouTube Blog or a Christian YouTube Blog about Dreams and Visions. Bible verses are cited (not necessarily in the King James Version) and other YouTube videos are referenced. The message can be pieced together using a King James Version Bible and by watching the other YouTube videos for the “Easter Eggs”, which could be object randomly placed, a “blink pattern” of the eyes, a pause pattern or change in the speed of speech, or anything else that would send someone on a “wild goose chase” if they didn’t know what to look for. The hardest thing to find is something that doesn’t exist because you can spend forever trying to find it while being doomed to fail the whole time with the dice rigged against you. Challenge accepted?

The temporal terrorists were already using a temporal feedback loop to encode information into their television shows, movies, and music known as “Easter Eggs”. For example, the song Hips Don’t Lie by Shakira has an “Easter Egg” about the CIA, musical transactions, and refugees from a third world country. The codes of the temporal terrorists operated in way similar to Bitcoin electronic currency. There was a public ledger of television shows, movies, and music, which had large number of copies made to verify its authenticity and transparency. The “Easter Eggs” are imbedding into this public ledger, so that the messages can be cut into little pieces and are hiding in plain sight. A cipher is then used to track down all of the “Easter Eggs” to put them back together into a decipherable message. The cipher involves large prime numbers and permutations; Bitcoin was developed to “mine” the large prime numbers for the temporal terrorists to use in their encryption.

The Holy Spirit has already broken the code of the temporal terrorists and is using it against the temporal terrorists to trick them into destroying themselves. In the temporal alliance we therefore used trailers and other YouTube video clips of their own information in order to create our own feedback loop to trick them into accidentally tangling themselves into a web of lies for them to get caught in themselves. The reason we used the KJV is that the Bible was inspired by the Holy Spirit, which utilized a temporal feedback loop over thousands of years. Every jot and tittle of the Bible was specifically selected to fulfill some desired outcome over thousands of years according to Matthew 15:8 and Isaiah 55:10-11. The KJV is a version of the Bible that was written prior to the Enemy developing modern temporal reception devices. The temporal alliance therefore combined the KJV and YouTube videos with Easter Eggs together into its own cipher to couple the Enemy’s feedback loop with the feedback loop of the Bible created by the Holy Spirit.

The people who swear that the King James Version of the Bible is the only version worth using are usually the ones involved in the temporal war. The truth is that most of the Old Testament was written in Hebrew and most of the New Testament was written in Greek. There are thousands of manuscripts to verify its authenticity. There is nothing special about the King James Version unless you are using it as a cipher for codes. The Bible was written the Holy Spirit with “layers of understanding” encoded into it. There is a “superficial layer of understanding “from just reading it, an “integrated layer of understanding” by reading it based on it context using other parts of the Bible to define the encrypted symbols such as the “two olive branches”, and there is a “revelation layer of understanding” which can only be understood by receiving the Holy Spirit according to John 16:13. Receiving the Holy Spirit itself is the encryption key or guide to reach the highest layer of understanding of the Bible. The “password” to receive the Holy Spirit is to be baptized and a confession of faith according to Acts 2:38 and Romans 10:9, "I confess that the Lord Jesus Christ has come in the flesh, and I believe in my heart that God raised Him from the dead". The Holy Spirit itself is the encryption key or guide to get the full revelation out of the Bible so that only people sealed for eternal life via the Holy Spirit dwelling within them will receive the “classified” information (and not the workers of the Enemy who have traded their spiritual gifts, eternal inheritance, and eternal rewards for temporal fleshly bribes). The New Testament acts like the cipher using figurative language, parables, and symbols. The Old Testament acts like the public ledger to define the symbols, provide a context for the parables, and better understand the figurative language according to Mark 4:12 and Matthew 13:13-14, and Isaiah 6:9.

The King James Version of the Bible is often difficult for modern people to read, so a version of the Bible that is easy to read and is a “word for word” (not” thought for thought” nor “paraphrase”) translation true to the original text is often the best to use. Even with a “word for word” translation there are some idioms in Greek and Hebrew that are good to learn about in order to gain further understanding. Some of the more modern version of the Bible uses a “thought for thought” or a “paraphrase” of the Bible to “water down” the message to keep people ignorant; the devil is in the details, so if the message is “watered down” it can cause some misunderstandings about certain key passages while seeming perfectly accurate for most passages.

The Victor of the Temporal War is a Warrior. However, the war is not a physical war but a legal one where our actions in our temporal life have ramifications in the Heavenly Courts. The Victor of the Temporal War was not weighed down by sin, which allowed him to ascend into heaven and lower a “rope ladder” of grace and mercy by pardoning us of our sins. The Temporal War is a Civil War, not a war between sovereign Creators; there is only one Creator. It is a war between Good and Evil, which has always been rigged for Good to win and Evil to lose because Evil is a parasite. Good creates things and allows things to grow and flourish in “win win game”. Evil is a parasite that must steal to survive in a “zero sum game”. The Temporal War is a “Sting Operation” where the Creator can identify His Good crop from the Evil parasites, the wheat from the tares. The Temporal War is a “Stanford Prison Experiment” on a planetary scale where the Enemy has been given the illusion of power as the “Sting Operation” unfolds. The Temporal War is a “Beta Test” to work out all the glitches and defects while removing worms and parasites, so that everything will be perfect for the “Commercial Release” of the “Kingdom of Heaven”. The Temporal War is a supernatural war where the Creator gives His armies supernatural weapons based on the currency of faith. Faith is confidence in the Creator’s promises even when they are not tangibly seen according to Hebrews 11:1. The Enemy tries to use his illusion of power and distractions to diminish your faith and thus your ability to purchase supernatural weapons. The Temporal War is a test of faith where the power of prophecy is proportional to faith according to Romans 12:6. The powerless are powerless because their power is proportional to their faith, and they have no faith. The world is conquered through faith according to 1John 5:4-5. The Temporal War is a “military boot camp” in a “simulated universe” where the Creator’s soldiers are being trained to have more faith and thus become more supernaturally powerful. The “simulated universe” is like a computer program where the spins of particles are bits of information flipped like “switches” by supernatural minds with free will through quantum entanglement. The “switches” we control are like “forks in the road” or junctures between possible timelines for our soul to travel, and our supernatural minds choose the path our soul travels. The “switches” we do not control are like a “coin flip” rigged by the Creator. The Creator has rigged the “coin flips” according to our faith in His promises.


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