Santa Fe Caboose Ho Scale Custom Lighted 2

1 year ago

I hope you all enjoy this video.

During the early days of railroading conductors and brake men on trains needed a place to stay the engine cabs of locomotives where to noisy and to cramped so a conductor commandeered a boxcar and made it his own office and stuck it on the rear of the train thus the caboose was born. cabooses where essential for train operations without them you couldn't go anywhere they had lights and places to have a conductor to do his paperwork, sleep, eat, and other railroad jobs on his train. now in Ho scale I made modifications to these athearn ready to roll caboose in the Santa Fe that I collect and run with so I gotta say putting leds into these has been kinda a challenge you have to drill a hole in a certain spot to feed the wires to the wired trucks if you got them if not you have to make them I would rather buy the wired the trucks and snake the wires into the frame and just solder the wires together so the leds pick up power from the tracks.

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