TheDimNews LIVE: McCarthy Forced Out of Speakership | Transgender World Cup Swimming Cancelled

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Join Alex and me for a live stream, tonight at 9:30 ET! Covering this week's news and other junk.


MudderFetcher a cab cause you dead

h8yourst8 Supporter a,b,c used to mean what to check. airway, breathing, circulation (heartbeat)

Qriist Supporter 24 hour stream, go

h8yourst8 Supporter never rate a woman's space

MudderFetcher that woman's space is like a 6
thrasybulus Nothing like chest compressions on an eldery patient whose family wont do a DNR. Bone breaking does wonders for staff morale.

thrasybulus @silent Has a whole thing on AGP.

h8yourst8 Supporter tampons shouldn't be arousing for anyone

h8yourst8 Supporter beverly and alex are in female comic mode

MudderFetcher Silent knows her stuff

Qriist Supporter ngl, I don't understand why people obsess over women shaving their legs. It's nice when she has shaved legs but it's also not something I really care about.

h8yourst8 Supporter if she can make cricket noises it's pretty gross
thrasybulus If you don't have a period, how do you keep track of the full moon to watch out for werewolves?

JQuickDraw Supporter I think smooth legs separates women further from what is thought to be masculine, namely a hairy body.

Qriist Supporter @h8yourst8 not understanding the reference

MudderFetcher Alex: "This one time in high school..."

MudderFetcher these days high school boys also have tampon stories
thrasybulus Tampons used to be a field expedient for plugging bullet wounds. There was a video of Rus army being told to get tampons and pads for their med kits in the last couple years.

Qriist Supporter I mean I don't want a bear, but humans have hair

h8yourst8 Supporter i get one armpit hair that just keeps growing

JQuickDraw Supporter "Hey babe, you could sleep on my back rug."

MudderFetcher body hair tends to progress from Cavill to Williams with age lol

JQuickDraw Supporter We should watch "It's Alive" for halloween lol

h8yourst8 Supporter why they call it a cesarian, i though caesar was stabbed in the back

Qriist Supporter I have next to no body hair

MudderFetcher smooth like a monkey ready for takeoff

RonGreen1 After menopause, women grow a mustache.

MudderFetcher Gillette the best a post-menopausal woman can get
thrasybulus Found the Russian Army tampon vid

MudderFetcher wait till they get to the PCOS material
thrasybulus More armhair is a sign of higher testosterone in women.

MudderFetcher my wife just yelled "Hoshimoto" at me

h8yourst8 Supporter trans are screwing up data? shit just got real.

MudderFetcher weird how those splits aren't hitting the floor

JQuickDraw Supporter Like something is impeding a full, flat split. What could it be? Hmmm
thrasybulus Test to Epitest levels are naturally 1 to 1. Higher T than E is a great indicator of artificial enhancement.

h8yourst8 Supporter i mean these gymnast used to only have to worry about the coaches
thrasybulus Gymnastics events are different for men and women.

MudderFetcher someone remind me to clip all of this for Winky

JQuickDraw Supporter "Women can stick their leg straight up in the air." Yes, I've been on Pornhub.

Qriist Supporter lets see that last one beverly

JQuickDraw Supporter It sounds like Beverly could be a great Asian zombie.

h8yourst8 Supporter put that hairy leg behind your head
FluffyLittleClouds Is that on your only fans Alex?

Qriist Supporter She's pole vaulting in that stretch.

JQuickDraw Supporter She could perform a special "rotation" move.
Kubuddy i mean, locker rooms are always weird, who hasn't been awkward in a locker room
thrasybulus Gymnastics careers are basically over for females by the time they are 21.
Kubuddy my wife went to bed, what else am i supposed to do?

RonGreen1 It's easier for women to carry a baby around, because they rest the baby on their hip. For men, that baby feels like carrying a concrete block around after awhile.

JQuickDraw Supporter Science Time with Alex: No one can spread their legs like a woman. This WILL be on the test.

MudderFetcher sometimes ya gotta Orgasnort for your OnlyFans

JQuickDraw Supporter "Don't put the salt in my eyes" "Don't put the salt in my eyes."
Kubuddy ha yeah sounds like a scrubs episode

MudderFetcher this story is peak current year US government

JQuickDraw Supporter Weekend at Doogie's

Qriist Supporter Was the patient Diane Fienstein?
Kubuddy fuck though, that sucks

RonGreen1 Why do they look so pale?😂

MudderFetcher just let her sit there for 2 hours...thanks hospitals

RonGreen1 Fake alive, also known as the Biden position.
Kubuddy this where you get me on board though.... fuck doctors
thrasybulus Cardiac Cath has to be done right or it can go really wrong.

h8yourst8 Supporter she's dead. i want a second opinion.

jbsx she's ugly too

h8yourst8 Supporter nice
Kubuddy its bananas, how are we so advanced and have no idea how the human body works

JQuickDraw Supporter The human body is one of the most complex machines, especially when you consider the brain.

RonGreen1 Husband to wife - Trust me sweetheart, this is the best hospital there is.🤣

Qriist Supporter #procreationStirrups

MudderFetcher Squatty Pottie Maternity Edition

h8yourst8 Supporter there was a local quack who got caught inducing labor so he wouldn't have to interrupt his vacation plans

MudderFetcher Vacation was all he ever wanted

h8yourst8 Supporter he also got arrested for arson
Kubuddy quickdraw, yeah but we can see across the universe, and detect particles smaller than we can imagine and yet people die everyday without anyone able to tell you why.
Kubuddy just floors me
thrasybulus There are people/orgs caught faking their creds all the time. A whole bunch of planes got grounded this week due to shady replacement engine parts company in the UK.
Kubuddy like we understand health in the arrogate, but rarely in the specific

RonGreen1 The four on the floor birthing method. But that's how she got pregnant in the first place.

Qriist Supporter First baby is busy building the water slide that the rest take advantage of. Slackers.

MudderFetcher I heard "not induced" as "not enthused" and I was onboard

MudderFetcher let's try to create a black hole

JQuickDraw Supporter If the first baby creates a water slide. Is a caesarian like a doggy door?

Qriist Supporter pornhub has an entire category for black holes
thrasybulus Tylenol is basically an amped up willow bark isn't it?
Kubuddy see id disagree on the no studies part, doctorates study everything i just feel like its not disseminated
Kubuddy or aggregated well

MudderFetcher Alex keep telling vagina ruining stories

Qriist Supporter a lot of docs won't do "VBACs", or vaginal birth after cesarean

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Hello Rumblers

h8yourst8 Supporter what about hysterectomies?
thrasybulus US MDs do cesarians more because they are less likely to be sued than if they wait.

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ There is also a pay to play element

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ some want specific results and fund the grants to get it

h8yourst8 Supporter all the money is in saying global warming will kill us

Qriist Supporter sugar industry managed to do that against fats
thrasybulus EPA funds my climate change studies. I keep finding a looming catastrophe for money.

JQuickDraw Supporter @Qriist Ancel Keys fucked up fat and cholesterol big time
thrasybulus Story about a guy who used to keep getting NSF grants. He would do the work then apply for the grant. His results occurred in a timely manner without surprise.

h8yourst8 Supporter there was that guy who was doing fake sociology studies just to show how the peer-review system was broken

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Behavior often comes from the bottom of a bottle

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ You're welcome

h8yourst8 Supporter ramble runt

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ I was excessively late

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Rumble Rant

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ there are many studies like that

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ I call them high fives
Kubuddy in my VERY biased opinion I'm just waiting for they physicists to catch up to understanding the brain

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ no worries
Kubuddy and they will solve it

h8yourst8 Supporter vibrating beavr
Kubuddy also on the grant subject, you have a good point, there are just a lot of dicks (in the best way) who say fuck the man this is what my research says

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ There is some kind of grading scale for female pregnancy that covers live birth, abortions, still born etc... a 4, 3, 4, 0, 2 grade is a horror movie
thrasybulus A lot of US foreign aid is allocated so the foreign govt has to buy US products/hire US companies.

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ trad wives score more like 3, 0, 0, 0 ,0

h8yourst8 Supporter you pay for the connections people have

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ data manipulation is common now

h8yourst8 Supporter get gud
thrasybulus A buddy has a dad who knew how to write grants from a contractor he worked at decades earlier. First six months on his job got his uni a $10mil grant. Made the uni a profit on his decade there.
thrasybulus Lysenkoism anyone.
thrasybulus There was a woman in the USSR who wanted to do real genetics, so she ended up breeding foxes for fur for the rest of her life.

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ each position represents 1 = live birht vaginal , 2 = live birth C section
Kubuddy #4 Muppet

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ it was an example

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ I am not sure of the exact criteria. Only that each female has such a score

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ a virgin would be 0. 0. 0. 0. 0

h8yourst8 Supporter your vag is a 3,4,0,2,1

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ how each pregnancy ends

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ I cannot remember what the scale.score system is called

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ exactly

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ It is bugging me as well

h8yourst8 Supporter it's the "unusually complex vag rating scheme"

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ When a female is pregnant, When that ends the result adds a 1 to whatever position applies
thrasybulus Sperm donation means virgin males can father kids.

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ a first pregnancy with a live vaginal birth changes the females score to 1, 0, 0, 0 ,0

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ yes

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ all 0s

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Cat ladies are always 0s
Kubuddy rude
Kubuddy cat ladies are great

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ right

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Yes. A nurse would know
Kubuddy to be clear, cats are awful, cat women, great
thrasybulus Artificial insemination could lead to virgin birth.

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ If I can find what it is called I will let you know
Kubuddy P in V i think is the standard definition lol

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Whew. I found it
Kubuddy i mean... a pap smear is pretty invasive

h8yourst8 Supporter any smear is pretty intimate
Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++
Gravidity-parity - This explains it.

Qriist Supporter This stream is SO going up in the pornhub medical fetish section.

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Most women are not aware that they have such as score from the moment they first visit a OBGYN
thrasybulus You could have a man who'd never had sex impregnate a woman who'd never had sex artificially. True virgin birth?
Kubuddy I've never had a pap smear but that spreader looks like a medieval device

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Hahaha. Apologies for that. I did not explain it well and figured these intelligent ladies would know what I mumbled about

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ At the bottom is the score. But in the hospital systems it is usually just a series of numbers separated by commas

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Yes. My example was rudimentary

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Good lord. My example was a horror movie

JQuickDraw Supporter Why no abortions? They're a simple procedure to be celebrated. The more the better!

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ I knew a nurse and she reported some awful scores. The reason I have heard of it
Kubuddy oh I though they used the spreader to do it?
Kubuddy learn something new everyday

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ speculum
Kubuddy in fairness i was only in for a IUD

Guyinroom83 ... i think I missed some stuff before this
Kubuddy welcome to women's health class

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ It turned in to a vagina deep dive

Guyinroom83 @JQuick lena dunham wished she had one and so do I!

h8yourst8 Supporter they should have just given the pap smear a nicer name, and it would be no big deal

h8yourst8 Supporter these ratings are going to be my new pickup line. hey baby, you look like a 3,1,2,4,0

Guyinroom83 pap smear reminds me of Pat Smear, from nirvana/foo fighters

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ A "nulligravida" is a female who has never been pregnant.
Kubuddy i feel like there is a dipstick joke somewhere in there for pap smear but i cant find it

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ dipshit is a pap smear taken from the wrong orifice
Kubuddy new stream name livin' nulligravida loca

h8yourst8 Supporter darien lake?
thrasybulus @kubuddy Hysteria

Guyinroom83 @h8your you've heard of that? My aunt lives right next to there

h8yourst8 Supporter i went there once for warped tour. haha
thrasybulus Champ, major
Kubuddy major?

h8yourst8 Supporter major! sic ballz!

RonGreen1 Chompmander

Guyinroom83 I actually had assumed Biden might be abusing them also lol

JQuickDraw Supporter The video on twitter shows him abusing the dog. He pulls the leash and LIFTS the dog up BY THE NECK>

Guyinroom83 Wow

h8yourst8 Supporter commander in chomp

Guyinroom83 Pedo pete
thrasybulus Biden only sniffs the girl puppies.

h8yourst8 Supporter i just think the dogs are neglected

Guyinroom83 that bag of coke was the dogs

h8yourst8 Supporter coke dogs

Guyinroom83 I didn't know presidents had dogs actually

h8yourst8 Supporter they get them for photo ops

Qriist Supporter John Quincy Adams had a gator
Kubuddy they are also shelter dogs

Guyinroom83 could be all the above
Kubuddy so
Kubuddy hard to say

Guyinroom83 coked up canines

Guyinroom83 now on HGtv
thrasybulus Dog doing its best bicycle impression.
thrasybulus 2 bite rule.
Kubuddy yeah that is so fucked

h8yourst8 Supporter depends on the bite severity

RonGreen1 Those dogs were kicked out of the shelter to make room for illegal aliens.

h8yourst8 Supporter you could say that about people
Kubuddy honestly, more okay with putting ppl down than dogs

Guyinroom83 The old yeller rule. Speaking of, the family guy old yeller reference is the best
thrasybulus Send Joe to a farm.

Qriist Supporter Not advocating deleting the dogs, but some of the WH events were less simple bites and more straight up mauling a Secret Service member.

Guyinroom83 :dog barks twice: ok time to put him down this is too much
Kubuddy also you may not give money but you ARE an animal rescue

JQuickDraw Supporter This just seems like more evidence that BIDEN needs to be retired. He's also being abused, and needs to be sitting on a porch napping with a glass of lemonade in his hand.

RonGreen1 Great Pyrenees are great dogs.
thrasybulus Chihuhuas kill everyone that dies of food poisoning from taco bell.

Qriist Supporter I choose my hand-me-down jeans at Goodwill.
Kubuddy id move to a farm before i put down my dog
Kubuddy lol though i would push everyone of you into traffic to save my dog
thrasybulus The dogs aren't evil, they didn't vote for Biiden.

Qriist Supporter I loved the Animorphs. The Yeerk defector faction was SUCH a cool concept.
Kubuddy yes
Kubuddy farms are bad, and i would take my dog away from ppl

Guyinroom83 Wasn't there a show animorphs?
Kubuddy but the whole movie is dog revenge
Kubuddy its amazing

Qriist Supporter I'll send you the Animorph ebooks Beverly. They are great!

Qriist Supporter Iceman in X-men

Guyinroom83 I don't remember the show. I'm assuming they didn't say it's morphin time

JQuickDraw Supporter It's not just that they killed Wick's dog. They killed the pet that his dead wife gifted him posthumously. It had so much more meaning than just a pet.

Qriist Supporter The Animorphs were some of the hardest hitting kids books you could ever read.
Kubuddy lol 64 books fine, sad? i'm out

Guyinroom83 N64?

JQuickDraw Supporter I'm waiting for the kids cartoon series of The Deer Hunter. "Hey man! Put two more bullets in the gun. Haha"
Kubuddy lol i was saying that about you Beverly

Guyinroom83 The movie Keanu was also about pet revenge kinda, but I think they just kidnapped it

JQuickDraw Supporter Beverly wants every movie to end like It's a Wonderful Life lol.
Kubuddy also my dyslexic ass remember them being a lot longer....

Qriist Supporter There is a non-zero number of on-screen genocides in Animorphs.
Kubuddy and? what did you think?
Kubuddy of good omens

Qriist Supporter Animorphs themes: Slavery, free-will, genocide, murder, pacifism, war.

Qriist Supporter Animorphs age rating: 3rd grade.
thrasybulus Good genocides, bad, or neutral genocides?

Qriist Supporter a mix

Qriist Supporter some you think "this sucks, but probably for the best", others are objectively evil, none are easy on the main characters
Kubuddy but i did enjoy the anamorphs review and I'm on board to reread them

Qriist Supporter there's a lot more context

Qriist Supporter Guys remember, this is the last 30 seconds of the video.

Qriist Supporter Always backup to get full context.
Kubuddy man, yeah that's rough, they were giving off some serious malice energy

Qriist Supporter He had tried to extract from the situation for several minutes.
Kubuddy and at that range, showing your gun may mean you wont get to use it

RonGreen1 Disparity of force can be a valid self defense claim.
Kubuddy and get beat to shit

Qriist Supporter Putting your hand in someone's face is the most threatening non-verbal thing you can do without actually being "aggressive".

Qriist Supporter 3v1 is almost never going in the favor of the 1.

Guyinroom83 @qriist did he do the prank longer than that clip?

Qriist Supporter yeah that's the tail end

Guyinroom83 Yeah I mean, these pranker idiots are being pretty stupid I always knew one day a dude will flip
Kubuddy yeah i wouldnt draw but my life would feel threatened

Qriist Supporter Distractions like this are a common mugging tactic.

Guyinroom83 The law is the law I guess.

Guyinroom83 I'm mixed on it also like Erl

Qriist Supporter Alex: if you're *surrounded* by 3 hospital people within arm's reach, and you defensive display, you will not have the opportunity to actually fire.

Qriist Supporter People who mean to do you wrong will immediately attack.

Qriist Supporter You will not have the chance to respond.

Qriist Supporter hospital=hostile
FluffyLittleClouds It’s strange watching this in the UK, as we don’t have guns, if there was a risk of a lawful shooting, why risk carrying out a prank ?
Kubuddy because people aren't smart? and why we probably shouldn't be trusted with guns

RonGreen1 He had a club sandwich. A gun club that is.😂

Qriist Supporter He doesn't deserve any jail time.

Qriist Supporter shouldn't have been convicted on either charge

Qriist Supporter the convicted charge hinges on the mes rea of the charge that wasn't convicted

Qriist Supporter mens rea*

Qriist Supporter this is the single Jackass prank that I like:

JQuickDraw Supporter This reminds me of a story a few years back where the cops in a city would pull people over for obeying the law, to give them a coupon for fee coffee at the local diner.

JQuickDraw Supporter @Qriist That reminds me of the "time traveler" pranks that twins and triplets pull on youtube.
Kubuddy I'm just saying no one should have guns, I understand that at this point its hard to put the genie back in the bottle but there are other means of equalizing such as mace or tasers.

Qriist Supporter no
Kubuddy lol

Qriist Supporter mace and tasers are not nearly as effective

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator Mace and tasers are not enough. Most of the time they don't stop an attack.
Kubuddy at killing? i agree

Qriist Supporter at *stopping*

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator At neutralizing a threat.

Qriist Supporter I still maintain that Ashli Babbit's shooting was justified.

Qriist Supporter bombs are much easier to make than guns.

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator Really? about Babbit?
Kubuddy hell yes to morning stars

JQuickDraw Supporter I am partial to crossbows.

RonGreen1 Make sword fights great again.

JQuickDraw Supporter The Jimmy Dore show made a great point. Bowman was a grade school principal for years. He knows about fire alarms.
Kubuddy crossbows are fine so are flintlock
Kubuddy semi auto is where we get in trouble
Kubuddy everybody gets one

Qriist Supporter Alex: yes. The shoot was justified. The inaction that caused the bleedout death was not. The coverup of the investigation into Byrd's mens rea and known pre-existing radicalism should be the focus.
Kubuddy also just because it awesome

Guyinroom83 Alex trying to neg

Guyinroom83 Erl too
Kubuddy he looks like Alfred just walked in on batman masterbating

Guyinroom83 It's impossible to not wanna get with the tate bros. You're both lez. No woman says no.

JQuickDraw Supporter I don't find super muscular guys hot either. But I also don't find any men attractive, so the common ground ends there.

JQuickDraw Supporter Beverly is into the junkie look with guys.

Guyinroom83 I seriously think the tate brothers are a WEF psyop

JQuickDraw Supporter Bro, I know we're hot and rich, but I think I've got a better plan than flaunting it in bars. Let's st up a complicated cam girl scheme.

Qriist Supporter its the scott adam connection that's more hilarious

h8yourst8 Supporter they don't care

Guyinroom83 Same with the Ryan Carson guy in NYC. He was stabbed not far at all from where I am in Brooklyn

Qriist Supporter another dead leftist with a bizarre recent scott adam connection:

Guyinroom83 But people are celebrating his death which is pretty terrible

h8yourst8 Supporter the self-righteousness is worth it to them

JQuickDraw Supporter I don't think they're celebrating the deaths of these leftists. Like Cernovich, they're throwing the left's own words back at them.

Guyinroom83 That's the issue I have. The people who are just denying reality

h8yourst8 Supporter they don't care. look at the way the gf reacted

RonGreen1 Be like that YouTube shooter. Don't be like these leftist idiots. You'll live longer.

JQuickDraw Supporter The GF told the black woman to go follow the violent dude who just stabbed her boyfriend. Fucking crazy

h8yourst8 Supporter and wouldn't cooperate with police to find the suspect
Kubuddy looks like he knew the killer, seems pretty sad

JQuickDraw Supporter And you can always tell people who are hard left. They walk in dangerous areas, completely oblivious to their surroundings. It's a catastrophic lack of situational awareness.

h8yourst8 Supporter if you think you are "owning" them by making fun of it, you don't understand that they literally don't care if they get killed

Guyinroom83 I also have an issue with people raising a shit load of money for his gf who just stood there

Guyinroom83 Why is she getting the money?

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Incidentii

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ hah

Qriist Supporter RIGGER

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ what is the R slur?

Guyinroom83 Raytheon?

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ retard?

JQuickDraw Supporter @h8yourst8 Some do care. They're true believers who become disillusioned when their worldview is crushed.

Guyinroom83 Yep

JQuickDraw Supporter @Qriist Jogger?

Guyinroom83 Redskins

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Australians use cunt as an insult

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ sickcunt is a compliment

JQuickDraw Supporter I always thought telling a woman she sounds like her mother is much worse than calling her a cunt.

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ cuntgoblin ... that I am not sure about

Qriist Supporter totally offtopic: Kanye West just filed a trademark for "YEWS" 🤣

Guyinroom83 I mean, the n word has become worse than murder now

Qriist Supporter Yesus Christ, king of the Yews
Kubuddy if its cuntgoblin' seems fine

Guyinroom83 Lmao

h8yourst8 Supporter i like it when someone calls me retarded at this point

Qriist Supporter I like calling you retarded, retard.

h8yourst8 Supporter <3

Qriist Supporter <3

Qriist Supporter bromance established

h8yourst8 Supporter special

JQuickDraw Supporter special k

h8yourst8 Supporter 32nd memory?

JQuickDraw Supporter Limber limbs are a slippery slope to the kama sutra.
Kubuddy be clear my cuntgoblin' was a cunnilingus joke

Guyinroom83 I have heard something about yoga being new age which leads to demonic stuff

h8yourst8 Supporter only if you chant

JQuickDraw Supporter Early Christianity was actually gnostic.

Guyinroom83 Idk what new age means. Is meditation new age?

h8yourst8 Supporter intentional apostrophe

Guyinroom83 All women have to get regular gyno checkups on their cuntgoblins

Qriist Supporter Three wisemen totally didn't use astrology to find Jesus, nope.

h8yourst8 Supporter what kind of guy brings frankincense?

h8yourst8 Supporter call it oldmerology then
FluffyLittleClouds New age in the west, old age elsewhere

h8yourst8 Supporter what is the sound of one ass clapping?\

h8yourst8 Supporter stop calling it taco tuesday

JQuickDraw Supporter unitwerking

Guyinroom83 I often think the reason woke people are crazy puritanical is bc they're new to it like Alex said about new people. And it's so new they view it as real not a belief

JQuickDraw Supporter uni-twerking

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ many do not seem to be aware or at least care that pagan rituals are the origins of any number of religious holidays and themes

Qriist Supporter they were pilfered specifically to ease conversions

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ the jew man

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ goodness

JQuickDraw Supporter There's an old school strain of Xanity that doesn't sugarcoat god as loving. They have piety, or FEAR of god, his rules may be illogical, but he can destroy us so just obey.
FluffyLittleClouds Religious practise is different from having a faith

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ saying words is definitely not praying

h8yourst8 Supporter they are concentrating on how to hold themselves in one position without farting

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ faith is not having seen it where belief is seeing something and believing it is "something"

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ disciples of Jesus saw him and believed. 100 years later those who follow have faith

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ She called me out in comments!

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ vagina and breasts faith and belief

Qriist Supporter mmm boobs

Guyinroom83 That's what HE said

h8yourst8 Supporter is yuri what you named your bewb?

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ $1900 a month in premiums is not out of the question

h8yourst8 Supporter all insurance is bs

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ the BS originates with requiring insurance

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ insurance should always be optional

h8yourst8 Supporter insurance and the legal system = 500% cost of everything

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ That sounds about right

Qriist Supporter government insurance has inflated healtcare costs
Kubuddy i don't understand blaming ACA like its the insurance companies that are the greedy dicks

Qriist Supporter though that spiral actually started after the great depression, with jobs offering insurance to be competitive

JQuickDraw Supporter government makes everything more expensive

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Health providers should show costs up front
Kubuddy companies will take as much as they can

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ instead it is calculated after and based on weird valuations

h8yourst8 Supporter i have a swiftian view of lawyers

Qriist Supporter @Kubuddy: the government says it will pay a certain amount, guarenteed, so the companies are incentivized to charge exactly that much.
KAZEK0 hello
KAZEK0 nice talking guys I will stream drawing here I need 5 folower <3
KAZEK0 thank you

Qriist Supporter the government sees the average cost rise so they increase the dollar value they will cover, which means the insurance companies peg it higher again.

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Most insurance is wise given the current structure
Kubuddy WAY TO GO

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ costly but wise to have

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ but should always be optional
Kubuddy ill talk to the ginger

Qriist Supporter What Beverly doesn't know is, the ginger already covered her in life insurance.
Kubuddy lol now

h8yourst8 Supporter when you own geese...
Kubuddy the backstory on the insurance on others is a crazy story
Kubuddy ppl were betting on old ppl to die

JQuickDraw Supporter She's in the b-boy stance.

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Out of context

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ exactly

h8yourst8 Supporter skin color offence

h8yourst8 Supporter worder is murder


h8yourst8 Supporter i thought silence is violence

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ it is a catch 22

h8yourst8 Supporter 22 cal?

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ more should catch those kind of 22s

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ too soon?

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ out of context joke

h8yourst8 Supporter no. it was .32

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ more effective

h8yourst8 Supporter it's like shorting stocks

h8yourst8 Supporter i'll never die. goonies never die

JQuickDraw Supporter deadpool

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ closest to death day without going over

JQuickDraw Supporter DEADPOOL

h8yourst8 Supporter it's called canadian healthcare
Kubuddy it was on the Simpsons
Kubuddy the grandpa was part of one

Qriist Supporter speaking of vaccines, the CDC says 1 million mRNA Covid shots for teens will prevent 0-1 Covid deaths and CAUSE 100k+ severe side effects.

RonGreen1 That's called marriage, Alex.

h8yourst8 Supporter i support luddites

h8yourst8 Supporter and bigendians

JQuickDraw Supporter Books have the same dangers as videos. Curation is vital. You decide what is seen and what is avoided.

h8yourst8 Supporter sounds like clockwork orange

h8yourst8 Supporter i hate quandries

h8yourst8 Supporter relax alex

Qriist Supporter Alex is hard when she's watching shows and sucking.

h8yourst8 Supporter take it all in
Kubuddy tontine bet!

h8yourst8 Supporter what worker/owner system?

JQuickDraw Supporter They're literally arguing against technological advancement.

JQuickDraw Supporter Beverly, we're onto your communist ways.

h8yourst8 Supporter laziness is the mother of invention

JQuickDraw Supporter ALL advancement is moving toward a very particular singularity - post scarcity civilization.

Qriist Supporter Casual reminder that the *centuries* old horse and buggy industry collapsed within a couple decades after cars were invented.

h8yourst8 Supporter i'm still invested in buggy whips

JQuickDraw Supporter Poor Giovanni Geseppo. He invented the curbside shit scooper, then cars came along.

h8yourst8 Supporter ai will replace so many jobs

Qriist Supporter Ranchers, trainers, buggy manufacturers, horse stable owners, stret cleaners trained in horse poop cleanup, horse feed providers... the list goes on.

Qriist Supporter entire industry, poofed practically over night.

h8yourst8 Supporter you thought your burrito was tight. think again


Qriist Supporter I BLAME THE GINGER


h8yourst8 Supporter it was a crime scene when she dropped her gnocchi

h8yourst8 Supporter lol

Qriist Supporter your mic just jumped off a cliff

h8yourst8 Supporter i wish the camera hit his head

h8yourst8 Supporter baxter's back?

h8yourst8 Supporter that's still cringe

Qriist Supporter I wonder how much those actors were paid.

h8yourst8 Supporter wait. there's a thursday next week?

h8yourst8 Supporter a lot of vaginas

JQuickDraw Supporter The Dim Side New Show: Vaginas Vaginas Vaginas!

Qriist Supporter VAG

Qriist Supporter VAG

Qriist Supporter VAG

Qriist Supporter you baxxtard

JQuickDraw Supporter It's reminiscent of Naked News, if anyone remembers that show.

h8yourst8 Supporter it's a twatumentary

Qriist Supporter woman moment

JQuickDraw Supporter Not now honey, I have to get on this stream to watch two women discuss their vaginas.

h8yourst8 Supporter pent up vag shit

TheDimSide AdminRumble Premium User Beverly's Discord - Alex's Rumble - Alex's Stripe for Donations -

TheDimSide AdminRumble Premium User Beverly's SubscribeStar for Donations - Beverly's Guilded - Alex's Discord -

Qriist Supporter this stream could be more feminine

JQuickDraw Supporter Alex has a channel? Is that a euphemism for her vagina?

h8yourst8 Supporter don't die on purpose

Qriist Supporter no, that's a trench

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Almost over?

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ I was able to watch most of it

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ yay

RonGreen1 Gnite ladies 👋

JQuickDraw Supporter Beverly, I'll let you know when I am busy so you can schedule the movie nights on those nights.

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ For Alex it is not a channel. It is a love canal

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ hahaha

h8yourst8 Supporter weird

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Bye ladies

h8yourst8 Supporter now i won't sleep

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator lol

h8yourst8 Supporter creep ass beverly

JQuickDraw Supporter Columbus, a Portuguese debtor pretending to be Italian and sailing for Spain to the new world to escape his debts.

h8yourst8 Supporter you're making it worse

TheDimSide AdminRumble Premium User Hahahaha.

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