Daily Chess play - 1360

1 year ago

0:00 Game 1:
Move 17, Sacrificed Knight on f6 to avoid Checkmate. Move 21, Opponent hanged Bishop on h6. Move 28, I trade Bishop for pawns on c3 and b5 to avoid promotions. Move 45, Opponent trades Bishop for pawn on f5. I lose on time but I probably lose vs 2 extra pawns.

18:55 Game 2:
Move 22, Trapped and Took Bishop on c6 with pawn. Got my pawn up on a6 and made one of his Rooks useless and moved up on my pawns on the opposite side and Opponent eventually resigned.

29:16 Game 3:
Move 8, Traded Bishop for Rook on a8. Move 21, Opponent traded Rook for Bishop on h6. Move 24, Opponent hanged Bishop on d3 then hanged Knight on e2. Move 29, Opponent hanged Bishop on f6. Eventually checkmated him after promoting on d8.

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