The NEWSPASTE Podcast: Dana - Deep Diving Dana Doesn’t Dilly-Dally

1 year ago

In this weeks NEWSPASTE Podcast, Johnny Vedmore speaks with Dana, AKA @RottingJewels or @DanaDooDah, about her research concerning the Franklin Scandal, The False Memory Syndrome Foundation, the history of so-called "Satanic Panic" and how she got into this sort of deep research.

Although Dana has only started her journalistic adventure recently, she's already rocking boats and pumping out really good content and some amazing deep dives. Very much like Johnny, Dana presents the source information to her audience in a way that touches a nerve.

You can find Dana on:

Twitter: @DanaDooDah

YouTube, Rumble, & Instagram: @RottingJewels

Check out Dana's link tree:

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