FDR’s War on Civil Liberties | Guest: David Beito | Ep 244

1 year ago

President Franklin Delano Roosevelt is generally lionized as one of the great American presidents, having been elected an unprecedented four times and seeing the nation through the Great Depression and the Second World War, as well as creating some of the most enduring features of the modern welfare state. But was FDR really a hero of the people, or did his policies irrevocably damage the civil liberties and individual freedoms of American citizens? Matt Kibbe is joined by David T. Beito, author of the new book “The New Deal’s War on the Bill of Rights,” to discuss FDR’s enthusiasm for internment camps for Japanese-Americans, domestic surveillance, and homophobic witch hunts. As Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, and Abraham Lincoln fall under the scrutiny of modern-day culture warriors, maybe it’s time we took a second look at the complex legacy of America’s 32nd president.

Pre-order David Beito's new book here: https://a.co/d/70OxKZo

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Kibbe on Liberty is a weekly podcast with libertarian author, economist, and community organizer Matt Kibbe. As the president of Free the People, Kibbe has decades of experience in the libertarian political sphere, but in these troubled times he believes that open dialogue is needed to bring people together. This means being willing to talk, and especially listen, to those with whom we might not always agree, trying to understand perspectives that might otherwise be foreign to us.

Kibbe on Liberty's growing roster of guests includes politicians, economists, comedians, writers, radio personalities, activists, journalists, and even a magician or two—with topics of conversation ranging from current affairs to craft beer and the Grateful Dead. So grab a cold one, and settle in for the next hour of Kibbe on Liberty, mostly honest conversations with mostly interesting people.

#FDR #president #greatdepression #WWII #civilliberties #liberty #podcast #blazetv #theblaze

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