Light Codes

1 year ago

[Spiritual or Inspirational Poem Collection] - This poem speaks of the opportunity for embodiment by humans of new energies and heavenly ‘light code’ upgrades which are being gifted universally to assist our realignment and ascension to the fullest Godly nature of the ‘hue man’ being.

This poem falls into my Spiritual or Inspirational Poem Collection, which contains 'a range of Heart and Soul (Healing) based rhymes.

For my creations completed to date from all Poem Collections, see Rumble “Louiseiology & Poetry”

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Poem Wording:-

Light Codes

Light codes on us descend,
from Heaven’s mighty realm.
To awaken the slumbering
and give some balm to them.

A DNA, [Deoxyribono Nucleic Acid] upgrade,
to the encoded ‘blueprint of life’.
Alerting us to the calling - Godly eternal souls -
to see and remove all struggle or strife.

All strands in curling ribbons.
Unique in most, every count.
Like gift-wrap, to dress a present.
Now lead us from inside to out.

Light codes and new notes.
Not just opposing electrodes. Polarity gone.
Catharsis on - life now clover.
No more negating charge, no more incessant barrage.

Like Mother Earth and Father Sky,
Native American wisdom we’ve re-applied.
With Earth Star below and Love Star above,
Energies again compatible, operated through love.

Enlightened, brightened, effervescent.
Empowered and emboldened souls.
No more being in flight or fright.
In our own individual power, we stand.
Oh, wow, what a sight!
Ain’t God’s creations grand.

Spiritual or Inspirational Poem Collection

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