It's HERE! The Wait is Over...

1 year ago

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It all began when I cracked open my laptop on a flight to Milwaukee in September, 2022...

I've wanted to write this book for years, because I saw a huge problem I wanted to solve.

2 out of 3 roofing sales reps QUIT or get FIRED in their first 12 months.

Seasoned veterans turn to alcohol or drugs to numb out... they burnout... or simply lose motivation and drive because it gets monotonous.


Because they weren't prepared to succeed!

There are 2 main reasons.

First, they weren't prepared with proper sales training.

That's why I give away so much FREE training on YouTube, in my Podcast, on Instagram, and TikTok.

And I already provide a full sales training system that's being used by thousands, which is why I wanted to focus on the second reason...

The second reason people quit or get fired is because they weren't prepared MENTALLY or EMOTIONALLY.

Roofing sales is one of the most personally challenging ways to earn a living on the planet.

You face rejection, angry homeowners, your inner demons, slimy competitors, self comparison, temptations of alcohol or drugs to ease the stress, bring your personal baggage to work, bring work stress home, and can overwork yourself into the ICU (like I did).

No one tells you what you'll face.

No one prepares you for the harsh reality.

And to add insult to injury, no one else talks about the real-world struggles they are going through.
We are left feeling totally alone.

No one else gets what we go through.

We question if we're normal, why we aren't performing like everyone else we see on Facebook, self-doubt creeps in...

Before we know it. We are facing our own demise.

This industry is not hard. It's quite simple. But it is far from easy.

If it was easy, everyone would succeed.

If it was easy, everyone would be earning multi-six figures or multi-seven figures doing it.

But they don't. Because they can't escape themselves.

I wrote this book to be a real world, straight-shooting survival guide to conquer the mental and emotional battlefield of roofing sales that no one else understands.

I've been in the trenches, experienced it all, and have trained thousands of roofing sales pros just like you.

This book is for those of us who bet on ourselves, take the leap, and want to prove what we're capable of both personally and financially.

You'll learn the top threats that you'll face in your journey... the top threats your inner demon will use against you... and the threats hiding inside your success.

I'll show you what I've learned so you can beat the odds, overcome yourself, and win big!

I've never felt so vulnerable before. Publishing this book forced me to share my own stories.

Stories I'm not proud of. My battle with alcohol. Facing my inner demons. Childhood trauma.

I tell the stories of my most embarrassing failures, the self-doubt that I had to overcome, and the battle of comparing myself to others. I put it all out there for you.

Whether you're just getting started in the industry...

A seasoned veteran needing motivation or inspiration to break out of the sales slump...

Or an owner wondering why the heck you're still doing this...

Then this book is for you.

I believe that this book should be required reading for every brave soul in the roofing sales world.

The Roofing Sales Survival Guide: Beat the Odds, Overcome Yourself, and Win Big

Now available on Amazon + Kindle.

Audible should be available any day now (narrated by yours truly).

Here's to beating the odds, overcoming yourself, and winning big!

- Adam Bensman

P.S. I promised everyone it would be FREE plus Shipping and Handling. Well, my dreams were shattered when I learned that we couldn't do that, so instead we are making it as cheap as we possibly can. I didn't write this book to earn book royalties. I wrote this book to help you make money. Grab your copy now. Give it as a gift. Or get copies for the whole team and have a book club about it.

If you feel inspired, it'd mean the world to me if you could share this video.

Spread the word, and together we can help even more people experience the life-changing opportunities in roofing sales. 🙏

Get Your Copy Now 👇

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