Film Trailer: The Hidden Hand Behind UFOs (a New Docu-series Coming Soon)

1 year ago

The Canadian Patriot Review is proud to announce a new film series on UFOs: Fact or Psyop? This series will introduce the ancient mystery cults and the associated priesthood of adepts that managed humanity like cattle under a pantheon of pagan deities and we will explore what connections exist between these ancient sects, the emergence of 18-19th century occultism and the 20th century phenomenon of UFOs. How have H.G. Wells' insights into predictive programming shaped the 20th century and how has the War of the Worlds played a role in mass psychological manipulation? How has the Rockefeller Foundation overseen the transformation of the USA into an empire and how is this related to the Disclosure Project, Hollywood films celebrating ETs, Scientology and modern occultism?

These questions and much more will be answered in the new docu-series

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