GoldSeek Radio Nugget - Steven Hochberg Recommends Owning Gold and Junk Silver Coins

1 year ago

Steven Hochberg, Chief Market Analyst Elliott Wave International, co-edits Elliott Wave Financial Forecast with Peter Kendall, writes the Short Term Update thrice weekly, and provides commentary on the U.S. stock market, interest rates and precious metals for Global Market Perspective.

- Might the domestic economy mirror the pre-Great Depression era?
- Contracting debt levels hint that deflation could cause rough financial seas.
- Elliott Wave Int. is extremely bearish on US shares.
- Will lower confidence levels exacerbate the deleveraging effect.
- EWI's stock market indicator.
- Challenges in the commercial real-estate sector.
- Insolvency issues in the banking industry.
- Silver and gold coins could be useful in the coming financial debacle.
- Higher rates has shut off the liquidity spigot, to the extreme detriment of the overleveraged economy.
- The stock market is one of the best barometer of economic optimism vs. pessimism.
- Safe haven investments.

Goldseek listener discount on Robert Prechter's Must Read book:

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