Breaking 🚨 - Niger 🇳🇪 is Reaffirming its Sovereignty

1 year ago

Breaking 🚨 - Niger 🇳🇪 is Reaffirming its Sovereignty

The Minister of Interior, General Mohamed Toumba on the departure of the French soldiers, is given us some real good stuff, very interesting. Here’s what he is saying, and I quote,

“They were giving authorization to settle down in Niger 🇳🇪 by the previous government. But then, they came in large numbers. Initially, a number of 1500 troops were announced, but today, they are more than 3000, even 3500 soldiers. You’re soldiers, we are soldiers, and we know perfectly that if you keep again some troops here, it is always in a bellicose mood to get these velleities.

Therefore, your troops will leave first. And when they will leave first, we’ve given them a route. You’ll leave but not by Benin, because we know you want to go to Benin 🇧🇯. Any other direction except Benin 🇧🇯. And your planes, we will release them at the last minute. They read through that and said the arrangement doesn’t benefit them, because we also perceived that they had malicious intentions. They came back and said that they want to leave with the aviation. So, it’s all the opposite of what we proposed to them.

I’m telling you all this just to show you that these guys are not in a logic of leaving Niger. Their logic is simple, they want to take advantage to destabilize the country, to ensure that Nigériens tear apart one another, by creating discord, chaos, commotion. These last two weeks, we’ve counted an attack in Kandadji. The stated objective was to destroy the ongoing project over there (there is a dam under construction, look it up), so that those who are building the dam would give up the work, flee, and the Nigérien project will be forgone. We counted losses, some brave soldiers have fallen, but they were able to prevent those assailants from achieving their objective.

Many among you are wondering why we have fighter jets, we have drones and we still have these problems. It’s simple! The fighter jets and the drones are operable in function of the weather. Recently, these bandits have been equipped. They were given new motorbikes and brand new weapons, that our French partners, let’s say our French enemies have provided them.” End of quote of the General.

According to the journalist, the PM said, “it’s about a war, and to mobilize ourselves to make the French leave is the only alternative.” She added that the Minister of Interior said that If the French troops leave Niger, this space in 6 months (I will say the whole Sahel region ) will be freed from the jihadists. Therefore, we must double down our efforts, vigilance, resilience to face these situations successfully. It’s a situation that the common people understand, thus their full support to this transitional government, she concluded.

You see, when I say that the French government never tells the truth when it comes to its foreign policy in Africa, I know what I’m talking about. When Mali sacked the 5000 French soldiers, we heard some would go to Chad 🇹🇩 and the rest to Niger 🇳🇪. So, when I heard the news say there are 1500 French soldiers, I told some friends that France is lying as usual. The reason being that they already have thousands of soldiers in Chad, so, I’m sure it cannot be only 1500. And here we are, I was right.

In fact, it’s one of those friends whom I told that the French were lying, who sent me this video saying that, oh Marcus, you were right. I told him dumbass, I know I’m right 🤣🤣🤣. I just thanked him for the video, and told him that sometimes we just need to use our brains and reason. After all, it’s common sense. The head is not only made to be combed, it’s there for us to think. You have to be either a fool or an ignorant to believe every word that the French government says. These people are so deceptive that I ended up mastering their lies. As for me, I will never trust France, until the end of time! Never!

Cc : @marcus_herve

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