Paul Merriman Financial Education for Every Stage of Life

1 year ago

Tune in Sept. 17 at noon (eastern time) for a Zoom presentation and Q&A on “The 10 most important new lessons of the past 10 years,” as Paul Merriman addresses the Boston Bogleheads Chapter. See info below.
In this broadcast, Paul, founder of The Merriman Financial Education Foundation, Chris Pedersen, Director of Research, and Daryl Bahls, Director of Analytics, answer a variety of questions from our listeners, viewers and readers. See links below.

1. Can you compare 3 years of returns of your Vanguard ETF, Vanguard mutual fund and Best-In-Class (BIC) ETF recommendations? Chris answers and discusses the likely reason for the BIC outperformance.
2. Would it make sense to get rid of the small-cap blend fund and hold 1/3 each of large-cap blend, large-cap value and small-cap value? (The questioner notes that small-cap blend rarely outperforms small-cap value.) Daryl answers this by discussing his findings by using the 1928-2019 Quilt Chart.
3. What are the pros and cons of multi- and single-factor funds? Chris responds.
4. Should micro-cap value be considered as a part of a diversified portfolio? Daryl responds.
5. Which is more risky, large-cap blend (S&P 500) or large-cap value? Daryl responds.
6. How should I manage investments during major declines? Chris and Daryl answer.

Mark Your Calendar: Paul invites listeners to a Zoom presentation on Saturday, Sept. 17, 2022 at Noon (Eastern Time), sponsored by The Boston Bogleheads Chapter. It’s free and open to the public. As The Merriman Financial Education Foundation is in its 10th year of educating investors, Paul will focus most of the presentation on the "10 most important new lessons of the past 10 years,” followed by Q&As.

Here is the zoom link for this meeting:
Meeting ID: 898 6049 8182
Passcode: 311045

The Merriman Financial Education Foundation:
Vanguard ETF:
Vanguard mutual fund:
Best-In-Class (BIC) ETF recommendations:
1928-2019 Quilt Charts:
Boston Bogleheads:

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