Salford City radio 94.4fm Jimmy Petruzzi interviews Colour Consultant and Author Jessica Sowerby

1 year ago

Salford City radio 94.4fm Jimmy Petruzzi interviews Colour Consultant and Author Jessica Sowerby
As the days get darker, rain brings down the mood and leaves begin to change colour, perhaps it’s time to brighten up our lives from the inside of our homes.

However, we’re a nation that’s more beige than bright with 44% describing their home colour scheme as neutral, with only 7% saying it’s colourful and 5% describing it as exciting – in fact, 12% would describe their own home as bland and boring.

Over two thirds (67%) of us would like to experiment with colours other than neutral shades, but we don’t know what shades will work (32%) and are afraid we’ll do it wrong (27%), according to new research from Homebase.

The colours we admit that we want to paint our homes, but are too nervous to do so are…

Blue, Green, Purple, Black, Yellow, Red, Metallic, Pink, Orange

[A yellow door in a room Description automatically generated]Colour consultant, Jessica Sowerby, lives inside a bright rainbow and helps others to embrace the perfect colours for their own home.
[A yellow chair in a room with a plant in a pot Description automatically generated]
As more than a third (41%) of us admit to feeling anxious about selecting colours for our walls and 36% feel anxious about inviting people over after decorating, Jessica is on hand to give people colour confidence.

The two most important factors to us when repainting our homes, are the cost (53%) and finding the right colour for the room (51%), so being confident is key.
And as over half (53%) of us have had a painting disaster before but admit a bit more colour would brighten their mood (34%), Jessica is available to offer her top tips on the ways we can all bring a bit of brightness into our home this autumn.

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