Newsweek Article Is a Warning To Trump Supporters | Knife Hands #14

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#PoliceState #Trump #Army
A Newsweek Article says the FBI is keeping an eye on Trump supporters leading up to the election. Was this a leak, or an intentional drop to warn/scare us to be quiet. We’re not going to be quiet.

-The US Army announced changes to to it’s recruitment mission to address it’s massive drop off in numbers. But not a single change address’ the actual problems we all know are making kids not want to join.

-The Army Navy game has a problem for folks wanting to travel see it: the hotels are full up with illegal imigrants.

-The Biden family dog has been banned from the White House after 11th biting incident. What does this say about the Biden that they can’t even raise a dog to be good?

-DoD official fired for 2 decades of dog fighting. Is anyone in the Biden administration not a garbage person?

This and so much more to lose our minds over!

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Green-Haired Anti-Liberal

Devil Made Me Do It

The Common Nerd

Ryan - Legion Games 2076

Dermy Wermy

Shellback TJC

Horny Alf

Raster Caster

#PoliceState #Trump #Army #Recruiting #ArmyNavyGame

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